MD Vampire AU Part 5

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Uzi waited for N on top of the same building they first kissed on. After scaring Thad into secrecy with threats of her vampire 'friend' tearing out his lungs, Uzi considered where exactly this relationship was going...

She really liked N, he was so kind to her, his personality was bubbly and childish, but the way he kissed felt so mature....
While there were no dogs left on the planet, Uzi had heard about 'Golden Retrievers', and somehow knew that was the exact term for N.

Despite how much she liked N, Uzi also knew she had to be realistic. N was a vampire! He could kill her at any moment- and still had to eat despite not enjoying murder as much as his colleagues.

He's a monster Uzi...despite everything he says and does, you know eventually one of you will have to make a choice.

N and Uzi weren't even officially dating, but he was all she could think about during the day, and all she craved at night.

"Uzi!" N called from behind, snapping Uzi out of her thoughts. Smiling, she ran right into him, almost knocking him over as she grabbed him. N laughed "Missed me?"

Uzi rolled her eyes as she rubbed into his chest deeper "Bite me" her voice was barely a whisper.

The vampire smiled, but felt it fall again as he remembered what he and V had agreed. While N hated the idea of loosing Uzi, he knew that V had a point. Eventually, maybe next week or maybe not for a 100 years, but eventually- they would hurt each other.

N whimpered without thinking. Alerting Uzi to look up at him, cupping his face. "Hey, you good N?" She asked, voice sweeter than ever.

Again, N felt hungry and lifted Uzi up by the waist to be his height. She pressed her hands against his chest as he pulled her close, silently understanding- Uzi kissed him gently. The two felt warm- not the heat that could kill a vampire- but a heat that made the two feel comforted. As if they were blankets cradling each other.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes before N pulled away. "There's something you need to know Uzi..." he started, stopping when he saw her eyes.

Copper 9 working class humans tended to have odd coloured eyes, supposedly it was a mutation from the unknown substances in the mines. Uzi's normally shone a light purple- but one seemed to be flashing yellow...

Unaware of her special eye, Uzi cupped N's face "What do I need to know N?" Her voice was firm.

Snapping out of his trance at the tone, N focused again "I- We can't do this forever, as much as I'd like too".

Uzi's eyes widened. So they were on the same page...
The two stood (or in Uzis case levitated), for a moment when Uzi finally decided what to say "I know N, we've got to think about the long hall".

Nodding, N set Uzi down and the two walked to the edge of the building, letting their legs hang off. Uzi slowly reached for Ns hand, leaning on him slightly as she did. She looked up, and saw a brand new expression resting on his face.

He's serious. He's actually thinking about this.

Uzi clutched Ns hand tighter, and he looked at her, expression still stone. "Uzi, I haven't known you long- but I already feel so much for you- I want to help you in anyway I can...I want to protect you" he stammered, face switching from serious to panicked.

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