MD Vampire AU Part 7

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N woke up to see Uzi lying flat on top of him. She mumbled as he stroked her hair, he couldn't hear exactly what she said, but the word 'Mine' seemed to show up again. After Ns impulsive love confession the night before, Uzi had insisted on further kissing, covering both of them in hickeys before she finally fell asleep an hour or two in.

While the vampire didn't regret last night at all, he did wonder if it was the right thing to do. Uzi was clearly unstable, and while she was always a fan of physical affection- she seemed determined to kiss N as much as she could last night- like he was gonna disappear if she didn't.

She doesn't think physical is all we have right?

N and Uzi had shared countless deep conversations, but he couldn't help but wonder if physical was all Uzi got out of it, maybe they wouldn't last past the original thrill of making out with an 'enemy'.

Regardless of his doubt, N noticed Uzi clutched his chest as she slept, mumbling softly. He was amazed by how small and delicate she seemed asleep, he was almost afraid to touch her again, she seemed so fragile.

Still he ran his fingers back through her hair, and eventually Uzi peaked an eye open, smiling softly at N. "Morning N..." Uzi mumbled, leaning up slightly to peck his cheek.

Unable to resist, N cupped Uzi's face and sat up for a proper kiss. He tried to pull away after a moment- but Uzi tightened her grip on Ns chest- determined to kiss him for a long as she could hold her breath.

Eventually N was able to lightly shove her off, Uzi panting as she sat down- staring at N desperately.
"You seem extra affectionate today, what's up?" N decided to just ask.
Uzi looked down, and then to her scarred arm, still wrapped in a thick bandage. "Don't...don't leave...please" is all she could stammer, gazing into Ns eyes.

He looked down at her and removed her left hand from his chest, holding it instead. N tilted her head up with his free hand and kissed her forehead. "I'd never leave you while you're like this, I'd never leave you at all unless you asked me to" N said, gazing into Uzi's eyes.

Again Uzi kissed him, but was gentle, and accepted when he pulled back despite clearly wanting more.

N sighed "We still need to talk about the long term, but we can do it when you feel better". Uzi nodded and considered falling asleep on his chest again, but before she could she heard a knock at the door.

"Uzi? Vampire? Are you awake?" Khan called from outside. Uzi got of N and opened the door slightly, pulling up her shirt to hide some of last nights 'leftovers'.
Khan sighed at the sight of his daughter, and asked for N to come out as well. Instantly N stood up and came to join Uzi's side, placing his hand on her shoulder protectively.

"Listen, Uzi has two days off school for mental health reasons, but I still have to work- normally I'd call someone else but since your here" Khan started, glaring up at N as he spoke. "I'll watch Uzi sir, she'll be safe" N said confidently.

The old man sighed again and looked to his daughter "We're having a talk when I get home Uzi" he said.

Uzi nodded at her father as he left. Struggling to take in air until she heard the front door slam. Without a word she fell into Ns arms again, and cried gently into his chest. "He's gonna make me get rid of you!" She yelled, sobs slowly getting louder.

The teenager then felt familiar muscly arms wrap around her, lifting her up just enough to be at Ns height. "I told you I'm not leaving unless you ask me too" N said, delicately stroking Uzi's hair as he held her by the waist. She nuzzled into him further, "let's talk now" she demanded. N raised an eyebrow at her, but was also keen to get things out of the way, and so nodded.

N was worried about Uzi impulsively kissing him again if they sat on the bed, so they moved to the sofa in the apartments living room. Uzi got herself a glass of water and offered N some of her blood again, but he refused to prevent her causing more damage to herself. The two sat awkwardly, each waiting for the other to speak first.

"So...this can't last forever" N finally began, purposely dodging Uzi's eyes so he wouldn't give in to whatever she said. "I know, but I also don't think I can live without you" Uzi mumbled, keeping her face down as she said it. N smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder "Me neither, but my team will come for us, V found out already" he spoke softly, but had an edge to his tone.

Uzi whimpered and tried to get a little closer to N, he let her lean on him but made sure to be careful with his hand placements, keeping them far away from suggestive areas. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me last night?" Uzi asked, gazing at N from his left side. N put his head on hers and replied "I meant it, I can't believe I loved anyone else before you, your everything to me Uzi, that's why I can't risk you getting hurt- or making a rushed decision that could ruin your life". He stopped at Uzi gripping his shoulder and gazing at him, nothing but pure love in her eyes.

"I love you too N, I can't stand the way you let yourself be treated when I know you deserve miles better than those monsters! I'd give anything to have you in my life forever- they don't know how good they have it!" Uzi practically yelled the last lines, still gazing into Ns eyes.

N felt his hunger for Uzi return, and without thought kissed her. N made it quick but passionate, allowing Uzi to grasp his hair as he held her waist.
When he let go the two stared at each other again and without hesitation Uzi said the same thing as last time "Bite me N".

The vampire was frozen by the way she said it. There was no anger- no demand- just a request. She was sure, or at least seemed sure.

But N shook his head again "Even if I did, J would still kill me, I think she's been looking for an excuse to get rid of me for years".
Uzi sighed and fell into Ns arms before smiling "I could kill her for us?"

Snickering at Uzi's playful expression, N kissed her forehead lightly "V would defend her". Uzi growled at the sound of V's name "I'll kill V". This time N laughed and pulled Uzi to be properly in his lap, nuzzling his head on hers. She smiled and gripped his chest again while kissing his neck lightly.

N let her kiss him as he thought to himself, desperately trying to come up with the right solution. He wanted Uzi safe- but she'd proven that she wasn't safe even in the colony- could he set her up somewhere else? Somewhere he could keep seeing her?

What the-

Suddenly N felt a slight pain at his lower neck, and looked down to see Uzi lightly nibbling him. As she did her eye flashed yellow, kinda like the vampires, but it didn't become a slit like his...

It became a strange symbol that for some reason N could swear he'd seen before, yet had no idea why.

Putting the weirdness aside, N ran his fingers through Uzi's hair and mumbled "Mine" at her. She grinned and kept kissing/nibbling him, until eventually N decided to fight back with kisses of his own. Which was exactly what Uzi wanted- so technically she won.

The two finished their make out session and N felt hungry- actually hungry not the horny hungry- so Uzi picked off an old scab on her shoulder for him to suck on. She felt a sting as N pulled blood for her veins- but also some kind of comfort, having him this close to her meant that she could feel all his warmth.

A warmth that didn't belong to her, at least as far as V and J were concerned. They stood outside the bunker, V having confessed everything to J for her own safety, sacrificing N...
She didn't want to of course, V still loved N, and knew deep down that loosing him would be a nightmare for the team, but she had made her choice. N had made his.

As long as he didn't know how strong he was- J and V would have the upper hand. They just needed someone to be dumb enough to leave the door open.

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