MD Vampire AU Part 13

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Uzi woke up with her neck throbbing again, N was fast asleep and his joggers were gone, Uzi tried to remember all of last night, and was answered by realising that she was naked. Her clothes were torn to shreds and lying on the floor, memories replayed of the night before and Uzi blushed.

N sniffled in his sleep and Uzi pet his head affectionately, which earned her a quiet mumble back.
Grinning, Uzi picked up her scraps and tried to get dressed quick, knowing that her father would likely come knocking as soon as he heard her up.

When Uzi tried to clean up, she felt a sudden pain in her stomach and screamed, luckily she was able to suppress it enough to avoid Khan hearing, but N was shocked awake.

Instantly N knew what was wrong and scooped Uzi back onto the bed without a word. He cupped her face and gently kissed her forehead while rubbing her back. She mumbled into him as the pain raced back through her body, N scooped her up again and had her lay back on the bed, kissing her forehead once more as he put his usual uniform back on.

Without saying anything to Uzi, N opened the bedroom door and went to tell Khan she was sick. He knew better than to say exactly what happened last night, from the biting all the way to the...other stuff- that happened.
Khan looked surprised as N told him "Uzi never gets sick! It's probably something pretty serious" Khan seemed genuinely worried.

N promised to guard Uzi, and Khan reluctantly left for work. Upon returning to the room N found Uzi curled up on the bed mumbling something, her eyes were flickering yellow as her hands twitched. N could remember the pain of his transformation, he knew just how horrible the process was, sitting down beside her was about all he could do.

Uzi looked up at N, the pain racing through her body screamed at her, this was his fault.

What no- you wanted this! But if he hadn' Stop. He just did what you wanted, you should thank him!

"Mm," Uzi muttered, unable to really talk through her pain. Smiling weakly, N pulled her up to be on his lap, and she nuzzled into his chest slightly. Uzi took a breath before speaking again "I love you N, I don't know why I can't...can't..." she lost the words.

N rubbed her head and sighed down on her "I love you too Uzi, hold on for a little longer okay? We'll figure all of this out together" he sounded hopeful.
His earnest reply made Uzi smile and pull herself up slightly, just enough to kiss Ns chin, earning her a rub along her arms. The two giggled as N roughly played with Uzi's hair, kissing the back of her head aggressively while fiddling.

The sweet moment ended when Uzi's phone lit up, it was a message from Lizzy, Uzi didn't even remember having her number!

Lizzy: Loser! V wants to talk to N about something, let the hotties hang out.

Uzi groaned and N snickered awkwardly, though he also seemed offended by Lizzy's 'nickname' for Uzi.
Curious, Uzi looked up at N and asked "Did anything happen between you? Like since you became vampires?"

N went silent and rubbed the back of his head "Well- she did say she loved me at one point- but I already had you so I told her to leave me alone" he chuckled slightly at the memory. Growling, Uzi began to type an angsty reply but N snatched the phone away "No! I rejected her and nothing's happened since- can I please go see her later? When you're better?" He said the last line as a plea.
Uzi angrily replied "Better not keep V waiting". N looked annoyed and was thinking of a response when Uzi shoved him away.

"Okay-fine- just stay safe okay? I'll be quick" N said, sounding a little annoyed and a little hurt at Uzi's aggression. He stood up and opened the door, stepping out slightly "Please-please don't be upset with me- okay?" N mumbled. Uzi looked up at him and felt her eyes dampen slightly "I'm sorry just...don't be gone long".

Smiling at her, N finally left the room.

Uzi sat alone on her bed, she could feel tears brimming in her eyes as she laid on her bed. N hadn't done anything wrong- but she'd got angry at him again! This bite was really messing with her senses- or maybe it was teen hormones? Both?

Whatever it was- she hated seeing how upset it was making N- and the morning after their first time as well! It wasn't fair on him. She was starting to feel a little better, she could do something to make up for it! Uzi grinned at her little plan.

N meanwhile raced towards the address Lizzy had added in her text, which seemed to be her own apartment. Nervously N knocked on the door and V opened it, dressed up in a black tank top and tight grey shorts. Her hair was brushed back and N noticed her visible bra strap, he didn't blush, but did have to take a heavy breath to take it in.

"Finally- did the purple meatball hold you up? Get in here" V snapped, though she seemed to have a playful hint in her tone.

Lizzy wasn't in the flat, neither were Lizzy's parents, the two vampires were alone. Confidently V sat down on the couch, gesturing for N to sit right next to her, which he did.

Silence hung in the air for a moment before N blurted out "I bit Uzi!"
V looked shocked, but quickly hid it "Yikes- the transformation is pretty brutal! You turn on her or something?" She sounded hopeful. "Nope, she asked to become like us" N explained, earning an eye roll from V.

"That sausage is nothing like us N, we almost got slaughtered yesterday from one of her kind, can't you see these humans are making things worse?" V genuinely sounded desperate, but N didn't care. He shook his head "Is that what you came to talk about?".
V sighed in disappointment and grabbed Ns hand- he tried to pull it away but she held on tight and looked into Ns eyes. "We need to find that blue haired girl- if we kill her- then we can go back to normal" V said, almost pleading with N.

N mumbled to himself before replying, placing his free hand on the back of Vs head "I don't like 'normal', it was awful- I'm far happier with Uzi then I've ever been- why would I give that up?" He spoke quietly, practically whispering it in Vs face.

The female blushed and shoved N away from her slightly. Her feelings for N still hung in the air, he had ignored it before- but she wouldn't let it end that quick. "So, you're just gonna pretend none of this ever happened? That we never had anything?" V croaked, eyes dampening slightly.

Feeling bad, N wrapped his arms around V, pulling her into a loose hug. Surprised- V jumped a little at the warmth- but quickly settled, wrapping her own arms around N back. "I won't let you hurt Uzi, but I don't want you in pain either, so can we please work together?" N begged, looking down at V hopelessly.

V sighed again and kissed N lightly on the cheek, N gasped and pushed V away, to which she snickered slightly. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try anything, just wanted you to remember I care" V explained, carrying a genuine love in her voice. N looked away but smiled "So you'll tolerate Uzi for now?"

"For now- but once we catch freaky Russian chic- I'm eating her in front of you" V snapped.

"Uh huh" N replied blandly, rolling his eyes as he stood up.

He stood still for a second, trying to absorb Vs out of character behaviour. In the corner of his eye, N could see V sitting slumped, her eyes aimed down as she frowned. Nervously N coughed "So...if Lizzy trusts you, maybe you guys could go clothes hunting later, and if you do could you-"

"Find you a scarf to hide those hickeys? You know everyone can clearly see them?" V quickly replied, making N blush and pull up his shirt slightly.
He turned back to V "Actually could you pick me up a spare undershirt- mine got- torn". N was blushing at the memory, while V just looked amused.

She giggled and looked up at N, voice laced with honey "Need spare underwear too then?".

Instantly N ran out of the apartment- leaving V cackling with laughter at her own joke. Once he was gone V felt her smile fall, she didn't like being on her own, she didn't like loosing N to a human.

She wouldn't loose N to a human.

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