MD Vampire AU Part 31

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"A spare placenta? Good luck finding that!" Thad gaped, hands in his pockets while talking with N- who had already chugged down enough beer to kill 3  human men.

N replied, but his voice was muffled by the bar he had currently buried his face in, he looked like a hopeless drunk loser- not the strong future father that Thad knew he was. It kinda stung to see him this way...

It had been another week since Uzi was hospitalised with J, according to the doctor the babies could last a few weeks until a donor was found, but nobody was coming forward with a match for Uzi. Party because she was a vampire, and partly because Uzi had a strange genome already- like she was mutant or something.

J had recovered after only a day, and instantly offered her placenta for Uzi, insisting that she could have an anembryonic pregnancy and develop one for Uzi to use, but the doctor said that J was unable to produce pregnancy hormones- meaning she couldn't make one.

N had even considered asking V, and was actually going to do it tonight through Thad, but upon hearing that V was already dropping her own 'I want a baby' hints- he knew he couldn't put pressure her to do anything that would jeopardise her happiness.

"Man I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned V wanting kids, I didn't really know how bad things had got with Uzi" Thad apologised, petting N's head clumsily, he wasn't that drunk- but he was tipsy enough to miss N's head and pet his shoulder instead.

The older vampire snickered at Thad's attempt of comforting him and sat up, he was drunk and depressed, but he might as well take advantage of having a boys night with Thad. "So how badly does V what a baby?" N questioned, trying to think of something more cheerful.

Thad laughed "She hasn't outright said it, but the phrase 'aww look at that cute baby Thad- do you think babies are cute?' Is kinda a give away!"

N laughed along with Thad, graduation was only a month away, and Thad already had a job as a sportsman lined up- a pretty well paying one actually- if V wanted a baby he could handle it.

"Do you really want the baby though?" N questioned, Thad didn't really seem 'adult' to N, despite him being almost 20.

Thad shrugged "I had a load of little siblings growing up, so I kinda know how to handle kids, but I promised my mum before she died that I wouldn't have kids until I was married" Thad explained it so blankly that he didn't expect N's wide eyes. In his drunken state Thad had revealed something really personal- something he hadn't even told V yet.

N stuttered a bit "You- you lost your mum? I'm sorry it was probably one of us".

"Nah she got sick when my 8th sibling was on the way, I was already like 14 so she made me promise to be a 'good man' or whatever" Thad's voice went a bit deeper as he spoke. He never talked about his mum or family to anyone, not really, the beer really had got to him- hadn't it?

Before N could exclaim at how many siblings Thad had, both of their phones lit up with messages, V had purchased N a phone after Uzi was hospitalised so they could all talk easier. According to N's message from Khan, Uzi was sobbing at the idea of loosing the babies, and only N stood a chance at comforting her...

Thad's message was a nude from his girlfriend. A nude that made his drunk little heart skip a beat. How the heck did he manage to pull V?! And how the heck did she always manage to look so good!?

Maybe it's not too soon to be a dad...NO! You promised your mum- but she never said anything about virginity (like I haven't already lost that)~

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora