Wedding Day (Nuzi)

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N was fumbling with his tie while pacing around his bedroom. Uzi had spent the night with V, Lizzy and Doll since apparently it's wrong to see the bride before the wedding, but N was incredibly anxious after waking up alone.

Today was the big day. He and Uzi were finally getting married, she'd finally be his wife, he'd finally be her husband.

Oh god...what if he wasn't good enough?!

"THAD! I don't know if I can do this!" N yelled, hands on his head as he turned to his bed, where the best man was currently sitting with a large smirk on his face. "Dude, it's okay, everyone gets nervous on the big day- but you've got this" Thad claimed, standing up to fix N's wonky tie.

The disassembly drone wasn't comforted however, and could only shake with nerves about the upcoming event, he just knew that he would mess up somehow. "Finished, check yourself out Bud!" Thad chirped, turning N to face his figure in the mirror.

N was wearing a traditional black suit, but had a light purple polo shirt instead of a white one, and his tie was a soft yellow. He wore his pilot hat at Uzi's request, and had no choice but to be barefoot, though he made sure the black trousers covered most of his legs.

He looked good, the tightness of the suit complimented his almost muscular upper body, and the colours complimented each other well.

Sighing, N turned to Thad and smiled slightly "I hope I can do this".

On the other side of the bunker, Uzi was having her own panic, pacing around Lizzy's apartment in her wedding dress. Her maid of honour and bridesmaids watched from Lizzy's bed as Uzi mumbled to herself about being good enough.

Uzi may have changed into her dress, but was yet to let V & Lizzy fix her hair, or to have Doll finish adding accessories. Anxiety had overtaken Uzi's brain long before that could happen.

V groaned and stood up, blocking Uzi's pacing as she placed her hands on the shorter drones shoulders.

"Okay listen up Uzi- either you go out there and marry N- or I go out there and marry N" V demanded, sounding tired but serious, making Uzi growl back. Lizzy and Doll snickered at V's threat, it wasn't very 'maid of honour' to try and steal the groom, but it seemed to snap Uzi out of her thoughts.

Realising that V had awoken her, Uzi playfully shoved her away and allowed Lizzy to approach with her hairbrush, though Doll noticed Uzi was still shaking.

Either V's threat had actually scared Uzi, or the wedding was still haunting her mind, Doll knew that if Uzi went out like this- it wouldn't be pretty.

Pulling V and Lizzy back to the side of the room, Doll explained that Uzi was still clearly on edge, beyond what a normal bride should be feeling. All three girls- despite their teasing- genuinely cared for Uzi in some way or another, and desperately wanted today to go well.

The only issue was, when Uzi was on the verge of a meltdown, the only person who could get through to her was N- and according to human tradition it would be bad luck to let them see each other before the ceremony.

"Then we don't let them see each other- Lizzy call Thad and tell him to get N standing outside this door stat" V whisper shouted, earning nods from the worker drones.

N was still anxiously pacing around his and Uzi's bedroom, his drawing from all those years ago still hung on the ceiling, she'd insisted on that when they moved in together. The disassembly drone smiled as he thought of his bride, her beautiful body & soul perfectly creating his ideal woman. She was worth a thousand universes, and N would never regret his choice to get down on one knee for her.

She might regret saying yes to me though.

Before N could shake the thought away, Thad grabbed N's arm and dragged him out of the apartment "Uzi isn't doing well! You've got to talk to her!" The worker ordered, sounding genuinely panicked.

Encouraged by Thad's urgency the boys reached Lizzy's in only a few minutes due to N gliding them there. Instantly V opened the door and shoved N towards the bedroom, but warned him not to open it.

"Uh...Uzi? You good?" N questioned, placing his hand on the door.

Sobs could be heard from behind the door, Uzi genuinely seemed terrified, yet the crying slowed after N spoke. "N...I'm scared...there's so much" Uzi mumbled through the door, the others couldn't see it, but her forehead was pressed right where N's hand would be.

N sighed and opened the door slightly, not enough to see her, but enough to reach in and grip her hand. "I'm scared to biscuit, but I know that I'll never regret this choice, I love you and will do whatever it takes to make you happy- even if that means calling of the wedding" N whispered through the crack, rubbing Uzi's hand with his thumb as he did.

Uzi on the other side took a breath, the wedding was terrifying, but she knew deep down she wanted it more than anything. Uzi wanted to look into N's eyes and claim her love for him to the world, she wanted to have him tied to her for eternity, she craved the kiss that would secure their souls.

She wanted the marriage more than she feared the wedding. She wanted N more than any fear could over take.

"I...I love you N...and I want this so bad...I'm just scared of the crowd, if I can see you standing at the alter, I know I'll race down that aisle" Uzi chirped, genuinely cheered up from N's presence. He had that ability- making her smile regardless of the scenario- it's partly why she loved him.

One of many, many parts.

N grinned from his side of the door and tightened his grip on Uzi's hand "Whatever happens Uzi, I love you". His grip loosened as he tipped her hand to be resting on top of his, still without peaking behind the door, N kissed her hand and mumbled those 3 magical words again.

The others who were standing a few feet away flushed, they'd heard every word, and were amazed at her effortlessly N seemed to reach his bride. It was almost second nature for him to be able to speak to her, to bring out her best.

Smiling, N faced the group "How long have we got?"
Thad grinned back "You've got 20 minutes to get to the alter buddy".


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