Dear and Babe (Envy)

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V and N were alone in the pod, N doodling something, and V trying to reorganise some files Uzi had found in the bunker. Neither of them were talking but that was fine, they both felt comfortable in the silence, honestly V was just glad to have a moment alone with N.

A look of doom fell on Ns visor as he realised that he'd run out of ink. He'd been doodling portraits of all his friends, but had run out before he could finish Thad! What was he supposed to do now?

Subconsciously N whimpered as he tipped his head down to the floor his paper was resting on. V heard his whimper and sighed "What's wrong now babe?"

N stopped whimpering as V felt her visor light up yellow. They both heard what she said, and they both could feel the awkwardness as it set in.

Noticing that V was extremely uncomfortable, N tried to defuse the situation "It's okay dear- SHIT" N screamed as he noticed what he said. V blushed even brighter and face palmed before turning away.

Both drones were blushing uncontrollably now, and N was lost for words. He didn't know why he called V 'dear', sure he was in love with her, but he knew better than to assume it was mutual. Then again, V did call him babe, but she could have picked that up anywhere.

She would never love you N, you know this.

V noticed N's unintentional whimper, he was trying to hide it, but his teammate knew exactly what sounds he made when he was upset. Sighing again, V sat down next to N on her knees, she didn't say anything but pet his head clumsily. N looked up at her and smiled brightly, clearly this had cheered him up immensely, encouraging V to pet his head more and more until N's tail started to wag in rhythm with the scratches.

"You're a dumbass babe" V said, not noticing what she'd said. N had noticed however, and grinned up at her, "You don't seem to mind Dear". V's visor went completely yellow and she stopped petting N, turning her attention back to his drawing, she smiled at the doodle of her munching on a worker drones arm. N giggled and scratched the back of his head "Sorry dea- V! I'm sorry V!" He urgently tried to fix his mistake, stuttering apologies at her.

He went silent at the feeling of her lips on his. V was gently pressing herself on N's face, cupping his head with both hands as she closed her eyes, N went yellow- but didn't pull back. Instead he placed one hand on the back of Vs head, and the other on her left shoulder, accidentally pulling down some of her jacket. V pulled away after a few minutes and snickered at Ns flustered face, pretending she wasn't affected by the position they were in.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong now babe?~" V practically sang the words to N, who was stammering and breathing heavy. "I uh- my green pen ran out of ink" N replied in shock, his mind was still mush from the kiss before, and he could feel himself shaking slightly at Vs exposed shoulder.

V noticed her sleeve, but didn't try to move it, instead she scooted closer to N, until practically in his lap. "Babe~" she whispered in his ear, causing him to shiver aggressively. It was the way she said it, so smoothly, it slipped out like it was always meant to be there. It felt entrapping & warm, like he was being drawn in on a string, slowly N could feel himself gulp.

I...I need to get her back for this...

Swallowing his fear, N turned to V "Dear~ don't hold back for my sake, go ahead".


Both drones were shocked by Ns statement, his tone had been so anxious before, but the way he spoke to V then- it showed no fear at all. V felt her core flutter at the line, especially how N had called her dear again, saying it so gently yet firmly- she could feel it echo in her head. She liked it. She liked it a lot.
"Say it again" V demanded, pushing N down slightly so she could sit facing him in his lap, her eyes were wide with affection. N gasped at her resting on his legs, clutching his shoulders so tight, V was looking at him. It was terrifying, yet so...entrancing.

Once again biting back fear, N made his voice as firm as before, "Dear~"his voice went deeper than normal- making both him and V blush. Clearly V didn't mind however and put her forehead on top of Ns. "N, do you have a crush on me?" V asked, obviously she already knew the answer, but enjoyed how anxious it normally made N.

Today however, N showed no signs of nervousness, looking straight into Vs eyes as he replied "Yes".

Giggling, V adjusted one of Ns hands to be on her still revealed shoulder, she was trying to fluster him, but N kept up his persona. Though of course inside he felt like he was going to explode, HIS HAND WAS ON VS BARE SHOULDER, and she was teasing him aggressively.

What do I do? What do I do?

Screw it I've committed now.

"Come on dear, you didn't think that would phase me did you?" N teased, leaning into V's face, mouth only inches away from hers.
V bit back her own fear "This isn't like you babe" her confidence fell slightly as Ns eyes scanned her up and down.

N grinned and pulled V in, "You complaining?"
His mouth was right on-top of hers.

"Not at all babe"

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