MD Vampire AU Part 20

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" head- what?!?" Uzi called, realising she was in an abandoned cabin, surrounded by what seemed like piles of bloody human flesh.

Instinctively Uzi tried to sit up, only to realise that someone had tied her arms to a pole behind her, and her legs were achy and bruised. "N..." Uzi muttered on impulse, praying he'd either hear her cries or sense her pain, though she knew the first was impossible as her voice came out as a whisper.

Uzi...are you okay?!

Wait what?

I got so caught up with V- please be okay...

N? What the-

Stupid Alpha urges! Uzi matters more- I should have left V there... UZI!!

The sounds stopped. It seems that N had closed his mind from Uzi, not that she ever knew it could be open, apparently the soulmate bond did more than she thought.

Maybe he could hear her!

She couldn't keep her thoughts straight, if N could hear her, he'd only be receiving nonsense. Uzi couldn't help but cry out slightly from the hopelessness and aches in her body.

"Не пробуй это Узи (Don't try it Uzi)"

Looking up as much as the rope would let her, Uzi saw an injured Doll staring back at her, she was wounded heavily yet seemed ready to strike at Uzi no hesitation. "Нам нужно поговорить (We need to talk)" Doll claimed, leaning on the wooden wall behind her, alarmingly peaceful for someone who had tied up their former classmate and had murderous eyes.

Uzi stared back at Doll, challenging her to try anything, not that the Russian girl would. She genuinely just needed to talk with Uzi. "Вампир придет за тобой (The vampire will come for you)"' Doll stated as a fact, making Uzi nod slightly in response, she didn't understand what Doll was trying to get at.

"Мне нужно, чтобы ты кое-что понял о нас, Узи. (I need you to understand something about us Uzi)".

The purple haired human raised an eyebrow at the blue haired, clearly not understanding whatever Doll was trying to communicate, she wished she'd hurry up. Doll simply stared back, taking in the sight of Uzi all tied up and helpless, it did nothing for her expect fill her with pity. She took no joy in her victory or authority over her prey, she had only tied Uzi up to keep her here, once she'd said her piece she'd let her go.

Sighing, Doll finally explained "Нас обоих укусил один из этих вампиров Узи, Ви укусил меня, а Н укусил тебя, но что, если я скажу тебе правду? Как мы всегда собирались стать такими, с перекусом или без? Что это даст? (We were both bitten by one of those vampires Uzi, V is the one who bit me and N bit you, but what if I told you the truth? How we were always going to become this with or without a bite? What would that do?)"

Uzi said nothing. How was she supposed to believe anything Doll said? Plus she hadn't even explained what she meant yet, she was still dancing around it.

"Keep going" Uzi muttered, sitting up properly to glare at Doll, who almost looked concerned at her.

Whatever Doll says- take with a grain of salt.

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