'What does kissing mean?' (Nuzi)

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N knew roughly what affection was, he had held Uzis hand before and cuddled with her, and knew that these were ways of displaying care for someone- but there was some forms of affection that N didn't get.

'Kissing' and 'making out' were terms N had heard hundreds of times through his life, both V and J had said it, and the worker drone's constantly talked about it. But N just couldn't piece it together!

He also felt far too awkward to ask anyone, he was worried about it being obvious, making him seem like an idiot, or having it be something really rude that shouldn't be asked about.

Still, he was keen to learn, since his feelings for Uzi had gotten stronger and wanted to show her love in anyway possible. They weren't dating, but maybe this 'kissing' thing would tell Uzi just how much he cared!

How do I find out what kissing is?

Just as he pondered this, a message popped up on his phone from Uzi.

Uzi: Hey dude! Wanna come watch a movie at mine tonight? My Dad won't be home (;

N: Yay! Should I bring some oil?

Uzi: I got it covered, Just get here by 9pm okay? Don't be late or else.

N smiled as he read the last text, he could tell when Uzi was joking, so he knew that she didn't mind him being late. What was confusing him was the first message- why did it matter that Khan wouldn't be home? What did the wink mean?

Regardless, tonight he'd be with Uzi! And maybe he could ask what kissing was!

At 8:45 N left the pod to reach Uzis apartment at 8:57. He wasn't late, so that was a good start.
He'd also deliberately dressed up a little, changing out of his oil stained coat into a tight grey top with black jeans and dark trainers. Confidently he knocked on Uzis door and she opened it grinning.

Little did N know, Uzi had been planning something for a little while now. She'd been hinting she wanted to kiss N for weeks, but he never seemed to get it, so tonight she'd purposely picked a movie that she hoped would spark something. Even if it didn't, at least she'd know for sure where she and N stood.

Uzi was wearing a black crop top and dark purple leggings. N for some reason felt himself go hot at the sight of her outfit- maybe it's because he just hadn't seen her in something like this? It looked Lizzy style.

Grinning at Ns expression, Uzi quickly pulled him in and led him to the sofa, where she sat right next to him. Almost on his lap.
Again, N blushed.

Without saying a word, Uzi quickly flicked on the movie. It was a romantic comedy- but had a couple of suggestive scenes. Lizzy and V had helped plan this all out, Uzi's outfit, the movie, even the kind of oil had all been orchestrated to try and bring out a bolder side of N.

N meanwhile, was panicking internally about what just happened- why was Uzi dressed like that? Why did he like it so much? Was he overheating? What is this movie? She's too close! Why is that character-

Somehow N had managed to zone out for 20 whole minutes, in which Uzi had settled leaning on his arm, while the movie reached one of the few make out scenes. Uzi glanced up at N, trying to see his response- she wasn't expecting his eyes to be hollow.

"N? You good?" She asked, still leaning on N but lifting her head up a bit. "What is that?" N asked, pointing at the screen.

Uzi blushed- was he being judgy? No...his tone was too soft...he honestly just sounded curious.

The worker coughed and got off N, pausing the movie to explain. "Well it's kinda like kissing, but a lot more" she blushed at her pathetic description.

N tipped his head to the side "and what's kissing?"

Uzi screamed in her head. She knew N was innocent- but an untrained neural network knew what kissing was! How was he this oblivious...he had to be joking.

But he wasn't, and Uzi could see it on his face. The boy genuinely had no idea what kissing was. Suddenly all of Uzi's plans came crashing down- of course he wouldn't pick up her hints! How could she be so stupid.

N noticed how sad Uzi seemed and gently pulled her into a hug. She sighed at him, wrapping her arms gently around him. N felt the weird feeling return, the one that felt like overheating- but wasn't. He turned to the screen as Uzis core hummed on his. She was practically lying on his chest, sitting in between his legs while clutching his shoulders.

"Uzi...why do I feel so warm around you? It's like overheating- but it feels so good...you make me feel so good" N muttered, not really paying attention to his hands, which had started to slip down to her waist.

He felt Uzi shift, she moved her hands onto Ns chest and looked at him. N had never seen this expression before- it was a mix of determination and something else.

"Can I show you what kissing is N?" Her voice was quiet as a mouse, yet firmer than ever.

N shivered, but still felt that indescribable warmth.
He nodded, and Uzi gestured for him to close his eyes, which he did. A few seconds passed and he wondered when he'd get this 'kiss'.

Suddenly N felt someone's lips on his. It was frightening- but thrilling at the same time. Uzi was being gentle, but stubborn- holding Ns shoulders tightly. N felt one of his hands move to Uzi's cheek, cupping her face- while his other hand tightened of Uzi's waist.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Uzi pulled away. N gazed at her with nothing but pure love in his eyes, visor stained with yellow blush. Uzi was blushing even more- but had a far more serious expression.

"That's kissing? Lips touching?" N asked, still gazing at Uzi as if she was the last drop of oil in the universe.

Uzi sighed and removed one of her hands from N's shoulders, gently cupping his head instead. "Yes N, that was kissing" she replied.

N smiled, he liked kissing. At least he liked the feeling of kissing Uzi- she was very good at it- and it seemed to give him more of the warmth he craved.

But...the innocent minded murder drone wasn't done with questions. "So what's making out?" N asked, sounding like nothing had happened at all.
Uzi slapped her face and groaned "It's intense kissing- sometimes in other places".
N tipped his head, but didn't question it, he just asked his final question.

"What's a hook up?"

This boy-
Sighing for what felt like the 100th time that night, the worker clasped on Ns chest while replying "Something you are nowhere near ready for- you are so coming to my next SEX Ed class" her voice was calm, but had a tone of frustration.

N was still curious- but decided to let it go. He reached for Uzi's TV remote and continued the movie with her on his lap.

A few hours later, the movie had ended and N was ready to go home. Uzi had made him promise to do more research into 'love' and how to best express it, something which he agreed to instantly.

On his way out, N suddenly grabbed Uzi by the waist and pulled her to his height, she blushed as he pushed her against the wall.
N breathed heavily "It's true I don't know much about this relationship stuff- but I know I care about you- miles more than I've cared for someone else, so please give me a chance to figure this all out, don't go out with someone else just yet" his voice was deep and firm. Uzi blushed harder but bit back her anxiety to be replaced with false confidence.

"Alright then, you better learn quickly" Uzi smirked, leaning forward to plant a gentle kiss on Ns lips, one which he gladly returned.

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