How to care (Nuzi)

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N was scavenging through an abandoned apartment for oil or parts, eagerly rifling through the humans clothes and items, he found a new hoodie he thought Uzi might like and a scarf for V.

The thing that interested N the most was a book on a side table, titled 'How to Show a Lady you Care', it was thick but full of illustrations.

Showing a lady you care? Would this work on Uzi?

N knew his recent feelings for Uzi weren't 'friendly', but had no idea how to express that, maybe the book had some solid advice that could help him!

Snatching the book, N flopped on the floor of the apartment and began to read, trying his best to focus on the illustrations over the big scary words like 'hormones' and 'Limerence'.

While N learnt about how women worked, Uzi sat on her bed watching a new pirated anime she'd found, her day had been rough so as far as Uzi was concerned she deserved a break. Also N was supposedly of hunting tonight so she wouldn't be able to see him.

At least she thought she wouldn't-

Around 2 hours into the anime there was a knock at her apartments front door, knowing that her father wasn't home, Uzi knew she'd have to get it. Groaning she stood up and went to the door, whoever was knocking seemed eager since they kept doing it, though they weren't being particularly loud.

Uzi blushed purple when she realised who it was, beaming in front of her was N, grinning as he stood infront of her with a hand behind his back.

Chapter 1: Gifts.

"Hey Uzi! When I was out hunting today I found a hoodie I thought you'd like!" N chirped, handing over the hoodie, now placed in a purple/pink striped gift bag. Uzi gasped slightly while peaking inside the bag, N had chosen this for her? He'd done pretty well- but why did he bother to make it look so fancy?

Is he trying to-

N smiled at Uzi's reaction, and awkwardly shuffled in the doorway, the book had warned him not to be overbearing with his 'lady' so he wasn't going to invite himself in. He didn't want to leave either- there were still other steps left!

Uzi noticed N's face and stepped aside, quietly offering him to come in, which he quickly excepted.

Step 2: Compliments

The book had warned N that while girls liked the traditional corny compliments- they preferred original or personal ones- though he had to be careful not to be creepy. "I like your skirt Uzi! You look good in everything but it's nice seeing you in white" he chirped, it wasn't amazing, but the book advised to go slow.

"Oh uh- Thanks N" Uzi replied, blushing brighter at the idea of N noticing her unusual colour scheme, plus him implying she 'looked good in everything'.
Even the oblivious N noticed Uzi's blush by this point, and grinned at his successful plan, that book really did have some solid advice- though he was nervous about Step 3...very nervous.

Step 3: Gentle Touches

Oh boy...

Uzi led N to her room where she quickly stored the hoodie in her wardrobe, she was really nervous about N being in there, and her shaking didn't go unnoticed by her friend.

Motivated by the book promising him success, N stepped forward and anxiously placed his hands on Uzi's shoulders, making Uzi jump slightly- but not pull away. By this point her visor may as well been purple with specks of darkness, N meanwhile tried to keep his anxiety hidden, gulping his fear before speaking.

"You good Uzi?"

The nervous worker drone nodded aggressively, partly trying to shoo N away- and partly trying to make him hold her shoulders tighter.

A phrase from Step 3 of the book ran through N's head as he considered taking his hands off her.

'To show her you care, you have to be consistent and careful, it does not ruin the mood to ask her what she likes. Treat her like she's made of glass but worth a million mountains.'

"Do you want me to take my hands off?" N shyly asked, it felt weird to ask her like this, but the book had yet to steer him wrong. "No!" Uzi yelled up, eyes hollow at the idea of N stepping away from her, she instantly realised what she'd said and blushed a little brighter.

Step 4: Be bold.

N grinned at Uzi's reaction, despite his own visor being coated in blush he couldn't help but enjoy seeing Uzi flustered, it was cute.

Smirking, N moved one of his hands down to Uzi's swaying arms while his other one moved up towards her hair, slowly N moved a little closer to Uzi- who was shaking with anticipation.

Holy shit. Holy shit. What is he doing?!? Do I like this?!? No- yes??? Omg omg stop stop stop

Uzi's panicked thoughts came to a halt as N put his chin on her temple, one hand twirling her hair while his other gripped hers tightly, she could feel his breath  on top of her was strange yet soothing.

"N...what are you..." Uzi started, stopping upon seeing N's reflection in the mirror infront of her, he was wearing an alarming grin upon his yellow stained visor.

The disassembly drone took a silent breath and prepared for Step 5.

Step 5: Tell her you care.

This step was simple, it was just a straightforward way of letting someone know you wanted to help them, it didn't have to mean anything more than that. Even if it did...

Smiling softly, N spun Uzi around in a twirl, making her face him and look up to meet his eyes. The worker blushed but kept her shared gaze.

"I care about you okay Uzi, so don't feel like you need to hide anything" N explained, gazing down at Uzi, core whirring with anticipation for her response. "I know N...Thanks" Uzi replied quietly, leaning up just enough to kiss N's cheek.

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