Guardian Angel Part 5

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N sat beside Uzi, peacefully writing notes about 'robot history' while she slept on her desk beside him, the teacher didn't care enough to check if Uzi was okay. Clearly the drones in the colony had little respect for each other- or at least for Uzi- who deserved far better treatment than what she was receiving.

The angel could feel himself shake a little with rage whenever someone picked on Uzi. He wasn't designed to feel such anger- yet couldn't help it as the drones of Copper 9 remained relentlessly cruel.

What is this...why do I...I need to punish them

The pen in N's hand snapped, he groaned quietly, instantly forgetting his out of character thoughts. Uzi opened her eyes and smiled weakly at N, reaching into her bag to retrieve him a new pen, though she frowned at the sight of the exploded ink- how on Copper 9 did N break that?

N smiled gratefully at Uzi, though he could feel himself brimming with some kind of rage, whatever this anger was wasn't departing anytime soon.

In fact, it was about to increase.

Suddenly Uzi felt something hit the back of her head, making both N & her turn to face the perpetrator, who was of course Lizzy. The ponytailed drone grinned at N, then pointed to Uzi's hat, now stained from what seemed to be black paint cast upon it. Uzi sighed in defeat while N felt himself shake more, the urge to punish Lizzy got stronger and stronger, but he had no idea how to handle it.

Biting his tongue, N simply glared at Lizzy, his golden eyes flashing brighter as he stared her down. The bully was terrified, she could see his visor almost forming an X- and for a moment his mouth seemed to hang open- displaying what could only be described as fangs.

The moment passed as quick as it came, with N turning around in his seat again, cupping his head in his hands. What was that? He was the angel of love. Hatred wasn't a feeling he'd ever had or expressed, he was here to bring love, by whatever means necessary.

Whatever means necessary...

For a second N could feel his visor flicker again, to make Uzi feel loved...he would need to eliminate the factors keeping her down. Destroy what brought her misery.

Whether it was something about his undying loyalty to the mission, or N's sense of justice for the mistreated, the angel could feel something shift inside of him.

What is love without a few sacrifices?

"N! Lessons over!" Uzi called, making N snap out of his trance, he shook his head and packed up. What was wrong with him?

Think love.

Uzi led N out of the classroom, the two were planning on grabbing lunch together and walking around the campus, the afternoon lesson was cancelled due to repairs so they were free to do as they wished. Thad was invited to join them, but decided to hang out with Lizzy instead. For some reason Thad's choice made N indescribably angry.

Who would choose Lizzy over Uzi? It didn't make any sense.

N placed a hand on his head as he and Uzi ate, he could sense she wanted to say something, but was too busy organising his own new thoughts to consider it. He really needed to snap out of whatever this trance was.

"N...can I ask you something?" Uzi questioned out of the blue, making N look up instantly. "Of course Uzi! Whatever you need!" N replied, eager to do whatever it took to make Uzi happy. "What do you think is my best trait?" She asked, looking embarrassed about the question.

Truth was Uzi was trying to understand how N could have so much faith in her cause, she knew he believed she deserved love, but what about Uzi gave her a chance?

The angel was shocked by Uzi's question, he hadn't known her long, and hadn't truly gotten to know her every thought- as much as he wanted to. Yet everything about Uzi was stunning to him- he couldn't get the thought of Uzi out of his mind.

She doesn't see how amazing she is?

"Uzi, I don't really know what your best trait is, I think everything you do is great" N confessed, visor glowing a little gold at his words, he was speaking the truth- yet felt so embarrassed about it- what was this feeling?

The worker smiled while blushing slightly across at her friend. N's oblivious compliments were going to make it hard not to fall in love with him, though Uzi also knew that he was just saying nice things, plus she couldn't possibly be with an angel.

N smiled softly at Uzi's blush, tipping his head a little as he stood up, "Do you mind if we head home? I would like to speak with Khan" he questioned.

Immediately Uzi stood up as well and practically leaped in front of him "HELL NO! We agreed he was off limits- for now at least!" Her voice was loud enough to make a few workers turn, including the worst of them all. Lizzy.

"What the fuck makes you think you can yell at N?!? He's done literally nothing to you, poor thing took pity on you and you pay him back by yelling, N- you deserve better" Lizzy claimed, making sure to look at N sweetly with the final line, expecting him to thank or smile at her.

N didn't react positively at all, it was clear Lizzy was trying to pull him away from Uzi when she literally hadn't done anything wrong! This ugly ponytailed brat had no life-

What the- since when have I ever?- I can't say things like that! Not even in my head. I shouldn't think this way! Even if she'

Something inside N seemed to burn, he felt his head overheat as his eyes began to glow brighter again, an X appearing slowly on his visor.

The three drones stood still, N glaring at the petrified Lizzy while Uzi shook in nervous anticipation, something was shifting....

"You. Stay. Away. From. My. Uzi." A cold voice slipped from N's mouth, it wasn't his own, it seemed to echo in the lunch hall as his visor stayed crossed.

Lizzy wobbled on her feet, a few other workers began to whisper, going over N's shifting personality & possessiveness of the school weirdo.

And what is that X?


Uzi's wobbly voice snapped N out of whatever trance he was in, turning around to see her worried expression & shaking hands, it reminded him of himself.

The angel sighed as his eyes returned to normal, carefully offering a hand to Uzi, who reluctantly took it. She was still afraid, and that was okay, N could win her back.

I will win her back.

Ignoring the reactions of Uzi's classmates, N led his frightened friend out of the school, aiming to go back to Uzi's home. "N, we can't talk to my dad yet...okay?" Uzi explained when the two were 5 minutes away from the front door, her voice cracked, she was scared still.

"If you want Uzi. I'm here for you" N claimed, cheerfully letting her hand go and walking brazenly forward. Whatever had happened in the canteen was a problem for later to N- he had to worry about Uzi now. Worry about making her happy.

She's willing to do anything to be loved.

N smiled at the memory of her letter, he wouldn't fail her regardless of glitches, he couldn't leave her alone.

Is she's willing to do anything to be loved by just one person, I'm willing to do anything to get her that love.

Anything at all.

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