MD Vampire AU Part 10

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A few days had passed since N left to face his team, and none of the vampires had been sighted at all since Vs offer.

Uzi reluctantly returned to school and tried to ignore the rumours circulating her. Thad was pretty much the only one who wasn't prying for intel about the vampires- or begging for details on 'vampire hookups' like the rest of the students. Leading to Uzi wasting most of her time alone with him, sometimes a classmate would try and coax Thad away, but he knew Uzi needed him.

While Uzi liked Thad, and appreciated everything he did for her, he wasn't N. He couldn't spark the same joy that she'd had during her time with him. He didn't make her feel as good as N could.

Though, nobody could do that.

Days turned into weeks and eventually a whole month passed without word from any vampire. It had also been a month since they pried on the doors, meaning they'd likely abandoned the colony- a comfort to all humans except one.

"Hey Uzi!" Thad called in the canteen as usual, waking over to his and Uzi's table in the back near the adults. Smiling as bright as she could, Uzi pointed for Thad to sit next to her and allowed him to go on about basketball practice for 5 minutes straight. This was pretty much their routine at this point, though today something slightly different happened.

When Thad finally stopped talking about sports Lizzy stalked over to the table, making Uzi growl, she and Lizzy were never on good terms- but she was always worse when Thad was around.
This time though, she walked over with a smile and handed Thad and Uzi both tickets. "It's for prom! We're doing it a little early this year but whatever- you need the tickets to get in and also it's girls choice" Lizzy chimed, seeming genuinely excited.

Girls choice? Uh oh

Thad smiled and took his ticket from Lizzy, who flickered her eyes from him to Uzi before handing hers over. Uzi felt uncomfortable holding the ticket in her hand- she never went to school functions- especially not ones like prom. Too many people, too much noise, not enough friends.

"No thanks" Uzi said simply, though she did slide the ticket in her bag. "Come on Uzi! It would be okay, right?" Thad asked, genuinely wanting his friend to come.

Lizzy smirked a little at Uzi's reaction and wandered off. Leaving a disturbed Uzi and disappointed Thad awkwardly staring at each other. "I don't think I'm ready for prom should go with the other popular kids" Uzi said sadly, looking down at her lunch.

While Thad knew it was wrong, he smiled and agreed to go to prom, it had been a while since he'd seen his other friends because of dedicating so much time to Uzi. Something which he didn't regret- but knew had cost him some social points.

Uzi went home at the end of the day and found her father sitting on the sofa staring into space. Without a word she tried to sneak past him but Khan caught her. "Uzi- I got something for you" he said hopefully, voice cracking a little with emotion, Khan barely talked outside of necessity nowadays.

Sighing slightly, Uzi looked at her father who awkwardly smiled in response. Uzi couldn't help but notice the 'dealing with an insane teenage daughter' parenting books on the table. She wasn't sure whether to smirk or cry at the sight.

Without another word Khan stood up and went to the nearby cupboard- Uzi noticed that there was another door next to it with a label she was too far away to really read. Khan retrieved from the cupboard an a-line black dress with a tight corset top. Uzi stared at it for a second before realising what her father was implying "Oh dad...I'm not gonna go to prom" she said quietly.

Immediately Uzi wished she could take her words back, Khan's face fell and he noticeably slummed his body over. "This was your mums prom dress, she saved it..." Khan mumbled the last words, practically whispering as he lowered the dress down slightly.

Uzi sighed, she knew that her parents had met at prom, and that her dad proposed not long after graduation. Supposedly Nori wore the same dress the day Khan proposed that she wore to prom, and they always hoped that their daughter would-

"Kidding! Of course I'm going to prom Dad! Just don't have a date or anything, I'm really glad I get a chance to wear mums dress" Uzi chirped without thinking.

Good job Uzi, you are going to prom...

Khan perked up and handed over the dress smiling, glad that his daughter was doing a little better. "I'm chaperoning Uzi!" Khan chimed loudly, making Uzi grimace. She knew she wasn't gonna enjoy prom much.

On the other side of the city, N was wrapping an old wound with a torn shirt he'd stolen from a corpse. He was a mess, shirtless and sliced all over his chest- a stab wound visible just above his abs- but faint, like it was old.
The vampire didn't like to think about his first week back with the others. V trying to meditate while J attacked relentlessly, neither of them caring enough to honestly listen to what N had to say.

N hadn't killed either of them- but with his re inspired strength had managed to injure and scare J away. He went easier on V, and allowed her to stick around with him, though on his terms.
The injuries from his fight with J had long since faded, what he was now tending to were the result of V clawing at him. Not out of aggression- but as a way of making him snap out of his thoughts- waking him up almost. The stab wound was from J though, becoming desperate during their former fight.

I'm lucky it wasn't wood or else-

"N? You around here?" V called from below. N was resting on top of the same building he and Uzi tended to meet at, and so looked down at his colleague. "V" he said calmly, before jumping down the floors to meet her.

V had been acting suspicious lately, disappearing at random times to go to unknown places. N wouldn't mind, except he had no one else to go to during his free hours. On condition to becoming loyal to N, and promising to leave Uzi's colony alone, V had made him agree never to see her again.

While it devastated N being without Uzi, he knew that his interference in her life would only make things worse. Especially because of the promise the two made...that N would bite her on his return.

He couldn't do that to her. He wouldn't do that to her.

But he also couldn't break a promise to her either, so staying away was his only choice.

V and N looked at each other as he landed gracefully, making V smile slightly. She saluted him then coughed, earning an eager smile back from N. "So, I was thinking, we should get some formal attire" V said blandly, purposefully trying to sound playful.

"Okay...why?" N asked, genuinely confused why V could possibly want formal clothing. "Just for fun!" Was her response, earning a raised eyebrow from N.
The male knew the signs on V lying, but he couldn't quite read her today, why would should they waste time and strength on formal attire?

Noticing Ns disbelief, V found herself with no choice but to explain "We've been invited to prom!" She claimed excitedly.


N crossed his arms and frowned "Oh really? By the humans?" He accused sarcastically. Earning a slight flush from V, who tried to cover her own tracks slightly "It might be your chance to see that purple sausage again" she grinned as she said it. N groaned both at her pathetic lie and name calling of Uzi, V never said her name and seemed to insist that she was no more than a hunk of meat.

V saw that she hadn't reached N and dropped the act completely, "We have to keep eating N, if we don't we'll die- you know that!" Her voice was demanding at first, but cracked at the final line.
"You know a lot more than I do about our past right? If you tell me what you know-" N started before his world went black.

The female vampire stood over Ns unconscious body and sighed, he'd wake up in an hour or two. She had enough time to grab a dress and get inside with Lizzy's help. V didn't want to do this..she really didn't.

"I know what's best for you N...even if you hate me for it" she said, finally looking away from her sleeping teammate.

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