Comfort (Nuzi)

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Uzi was crying again, not a cute gentle cry, but howling- tears raced down her visor as she screamed into her pillow. She was furious, just so fed up with her goddamn dad and classmates being so awful, she never asked to be weird! Why did nobody seem to care about her-

N did. N cared.

But he loved V, he had never given hints of anything else to Uzi, so she knew he'd only ever comfort her as a friend. Still- it was more than she'd ever get from anyone else- so if she wanted to feel better, he was her best call. Sighing through her tears, Uzi picked up her phone and sent a panicky text to N.

Uzi: Hey N are you around? I kinda need some comfort.

Puppy eyes (N): What do you mean?! Are you okay?!? Should I come to your room?

Uzi: yes please

All the way in the pod, N read Uzi's messages with a sense of urgency, the tone of her messages wasn't desperate, but defeated. Without a second thought N sped past V and raced to the bunker, flying right to the doors and using a pass Uzi gave him to get in.

Despite funny looks from the worker drones N kept racing forward, eventually he reached the 'Doorman' residence and knocked lightly on the door, it didn't open for a solid minute until finally it cracked slightly.

"Hey N..." Uzi mumbled, voice croaking and slow, like she'd been crying (she had).

N was shocked by her state, Uzi was in a plain black shirt with no sight of trousers underneath, her hair was a mess and she seemed to shake with sickness as she stood. Immediately N scooped Uzi up in his arms "What happened? Are you okay?" N felt Uzi shiver in his arms, but she simply nuzzled into his chest, earning a sigh from the disassembly drone.

A moment of peace passed before N decided to carry Uzi to her room, making sure to go slow, giving Uzi time to take breaths in-between steps. Uzi was glad she called N, and continued quietly nuzzling into his chest, making N purr unintentionally.

When they reached Uzi's room N plopped her down on the bed and tried to sit beside her body, but felt a hand tugging at his coat. "Cuddle?" Uzi quietly asked, she looked so small, so delicate, so cute. N couldn't say no to her, despite being a little anxious about cuddling his crush, what if he did it wrong?

Nervously N laid beside Uzi and adjusted her to be facing his chest, then he pulled her in and lightly stroked back her hair, for once Uzi let him touch it. The two laid still silently for a few minutes until Uzi felt tears build up again, she did her best to keep quiet but N saw her squirms. "It's okay Uzi, get it out" N assured her.

Uzi did as instructed and began howling with tears again, gripping onto the front of Ns coat as her visor glitched from the rushed emotions, she needed to get this out. N didn't look down, instead he just stroked Uzi's hair and held her as close to him as possible. It took a solid half hour before Uzi calmed down enough to talk again "N- I need- N" she stuttered, looking at her friend like he was the last person on Copper 9.

"Shh, it's okay Uzi, do you want to say what's wrong?" N was looking down at Uzi, pure affection in his eyes. Uzi stuttered something inaudible before N pulled her even closer to his chest, her face was right on his coat, they could feel each other's heat.
It took another few minutes before Uzi spoke again "I'm just tired of everyone treating me like I'm nothing, like I'm a freak for just existing, or pretending I'm not even there!" Her voice echoed in the quiet room.

N removed his hand from Uzi's hair and moved it down to tip her head up. "Me and V don't think that- you know that right?" N asked, voice soft as ever.
Uzi sighed through tears "I know you don't- that's why you're the only person I can talk to".

Despite the situation, N couldn't help but grin at the idea of meaning so much to Uzi, his hands held her slightly tighter as he tried to think of the right thing to say. The girl in his arms squirmed slightly, prompting N to look down, Uzi had placed her hands on Ns shoulders and was gazing at him.

What the- don't screw this up N. Do not screw this up.

"Uzi..." N mumbled, leaning his head down to be closer to Uzis, she tipped her head up at him in response. "N~" her unusually sweet voice released.
A moment passed of the two just staring at each other, both wondering who'd be brave enough to do what they both clearly wanted to do.

It was N. Without much thought he lent down just enough to plant a soft kiss of Uzi's forehead, it wasn't anything insanely romantic, but it made the worker gasp anyway. N pulled back, worried that he'd messed it all up, but Uzi just smiled at him. Her eyes darted around for a bit before she sighed "Can I have another one?"

"On the forehead again?" N asked, trying to sound half as anxious as he felt, he tried to sound teasing as well. "Well actually..." Uzi said, shaking slightly with nerves. N got the message and gently kissed Uzi's lips, making it quick but soft.

"Feel any better Uzi?" N asked, though Uzi's giggles were a clear answer.

Uzi grinned manically "I might need more to feel completely better~"

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