A DATE WITH V!?! (VxThad)

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Thad was pacing around his living room alone. He'd set up his sofa to be extra comfortable with pillows and blankets, grabbed spare oil from the spire incase V was hungry, and picked out a selection of horror and horny movies for her to pick from.

He was terrified, Uzi hadn't helped by expressing her disbelief that the date could go well, insisting that Thad was probably on the menu.

It was 6:57pm...in a few minutes she'd be here. Thad was glad his dad was out at least, he wouldn't have to explain why a random murder drone girl was watching a movie with him.

Thad had also dressed up a bit, not anything fancy or noticeable, just a clean deep red hoodie and slightly nicer jeans. He wanted to look good for V, but also didn't want her to know how scared he was, Thad just wanted tonight to go well.

The doorbell rang and Thad took a breath, it was time.

Immediately upon opening the door Thad was blown away by V, who normally didn't wear anything aside from her jacket, but tonight was dressed in a plain black crop top and grey shorts.

V was sculpted in a way that would make human women jealous, curves and a defined figure weren't common for worker drones, so for V to have them so clearly displayed made Thad's non existent heart skip a beat.

"Hey Thad~ You gonna let me in or what?" V teased, she could see the blush plastered all over Thad's face, she was mixture of amused and embarrassed at his reaction- it was funny how nervous he was, but did she really earn that much of a reaction? She stole these clothes from Lizzy and the corpse spire.

Thad mumbled something before pulling back on his confident grin "Course! Get in!"

The drones walked into Thad's living room together, while V was acting perfectly calm, even she was a little bit nervous about tonight- she hadn't really dated anyone ever. She and N had chemistry & shared moments back at the manor- but they were never official or went on real dates together. Stuff like that was monitored or even banned depending on the situation.

"So V, I got some oil- I put it somewhere warm because I assumed you liked it that way, want some?" Thad asked, confident facade in full throttle. V was impressed "How did you know I like it warm? Did Uzi give you hints for tonight?" She teased.

Thad smiled back and leant on his fridge while pouring V a glass "I figured out the oil on my own, you always drink from the core, the hottest part of a drone is their core- except obviously yours is your entire body" his tone was teasing as he admired her.

V couldn't help but blush slightly at his compliment, though she managed to maintain her own confident stance, he wasn't winning that easily. "You know what part of the drone I prefer? Somebody has been stalking me~" V quipped at Thad, taking the cup and looking directly in his eyes.

The worker went green, truth was he did pay extra attention whenever V was around, how could he not?! HAVE YOU SEEN HER?!!

"Well...um, I've got some movies out for us to pick from, you get first choice obviously" Thad quickly replied while trying to escape his kitchen. V smirked and followed him to the living room.

It only took V a few minutes to pick a movie (a horror movie with a couple of adult scenes), so soon Thad and V were settled on the sofa, neither sure what the next step was.

V was keen to tease Thad a little more, she had been so bored lately- and his reactions were always cute- and sometimes he was able to fluster her back. Thad was more concerned about whether or not V was enjoying herself- he didn't want this to be the last date.

"Thad, why did you ask me out?" V asked out of the blue, she was curious- but also keen to see if Thad would have an embarrassing backstory for it. She had spoken to Lizzy about tonight and according to her it was pretty rare Thad asked someone else out- it was always the other way around.

The popular worker shuffled a little in his seat, "In all honesty V, I just thought you were cool- and obviously the prettiest drone on planet" Thad was clearly nervous as he mumbled.

V blushed a bit, yellow hashes appearing on her visor as she held back a grin, he really thought that?

The movie switched to a make out scene between two characters, Thad blushed a little despite having watched hundreds of these types of movies, and V tipped her head curiously at him. Was he playing innocent? Surely the 'conventionally attractive' drone had done stuff?

I could work with this~

V grinned at her idea and sat slightly closer to Thad, leaning to her side a bit as well, almost making it as if she was leaning on him.

Thad went green but bit back his fear, V wanted to get closer? Fine by him.

The worker slowly wrapped one arm around V's waist and lightly pulled her in, she was taller than Thad so she ended up resting her head on his, V honestly didn't know how to respond to this sudden affection. It had been a while.

Still, something was comforting about being so close to Thad, her head resting gently on his felt soothing. Heck even his arm being wrapped around her waist felt cozy.

"Um...V...I...are you okay? You've gone kinda quiet" Thad nervously asked, he hoped he hadn't made her uncomfortable or anything.

V mumbled in response, her digital eyes glitched a bit- implying she was tired. "V? Do you need to go home and sleep?" Thad asked, turning slightly to face V, removing his hand from around her waist.

"Shut up" was V's snarky response before she lent down, she placed her head on Thad's chest and weighed him down until he was lying flat.

What the- is she using me as a pillow?

It seemed so as V nuzzled slightly more into Thad's chest. It had been a while since she got a good nights sleep. "Thanks" V mumbled, wrapping her arms around Thad's neck.

"Um...anytime..?" Thad replied, nervously placing his hands around V, letting them rest on her back.

The movie kept playing in tune background as Thad and V fell asleep. By the time Thad woke up in the morning V was gone, along with a few bottles of oil that he guessed she stole.

Dang it...I thought I did okay.

As Thad sighed in defeat a messaged popped up on his phone.

V: Got Lizzy to give me your number. Thanks for last night...I know I didn't actually talk much but that was the best sleep I'd had in a while. Can we maybe do something again?

Thad: Sure! I'm glad you got rest!

It wasn't confirmation of feelings or a promise of a second date, but it was plenty for Thad.

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