Chapter 1!

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Have you ever felt like freedom is just out of reach? Like you can almost grasp yet it's so far away? The feeling that you almost had it, you almost got there? Everything could've been okay, everything could've changed

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Have you ever felt like freedom is just out of reach? Like you can almost grasp yet it's so far away? The feeling that you almost had it, you almost got there? Everything could've been okay, everything could've changed.

You could've changed.

You could've gotten out of the hole. But you watch as the chance gets stolen away from you, as it slips out of your fingers. and you watch as they hold it just above your head, taunting you, and all you can do is watch, Because that's all you can do. and you fall back into that hole.

A pit of despair.

Surrounded by darkness, all alone. And then you look up and see the faces of those who should've helped you avoid the hole, Instead they push you deeper into it. And then they just stand there, and look down on you. They just simply watch as you fall deeper into darkness.

So if you want to get out of that fucking hole you have to do it yourself.

If I want to get out of this hole I'm going to have to do it myself. Each step I take is a lesson I learn. I'm forced to walk on shards of broken glass as I watch others get red carpets laid out of them. I'm forced to watch as everyone has everything handed to them willingly. And finally, I'm forced to watch as everyone gets their happy ending, their happily ever after, watch as everyone's life comes together, I'm forced to see them get everything from just a snap of a finger.

while I stand here still struggling on where to start

I sit there and watch myself, watch myself get more distant from the world, I no longer see the little girl, the little girl who wore her dark brown hair in pigtails and played with ponies in barbies, the little girl that would ask her dad everyday to push her on the swing. The little girl that slowly got more and more neglected until the point where it became a new normal.

That little girl died a long time ago. She died when I was forced to survive on my own. When I was made to acquire my own food, my own clothes, and get myself to school and back at the age of 5. Drag my fathers drunk ass inside from the garden so he wouldn't freeze to death. That little girl became an adult many many years before she should have.

I'm now simply seen as disappointed. Someone who could never live up to the family standard no matter how hard she tried. Someone who was only seen for the family image. None would ever know what went on behind all the makeup and the pretty face. Deep down i was still a little girl, a little girl who just wanted a childhood that so many others had gotten

After my parents were gone I was taken in by Ayden Cetra and Lisa Cetra. They are my uncle and aunt. I also have a little cousin too. Her name is Sienna. She's about 2 years younger than me but she's the most bratty bitch I have ever met. But none of them deserve to be called family when they me the complete opposite of what real family should do, my so called 'family' make it their mission to make my life a fucking hell for me, its pathetic how they wait around for me only so they can give me impossible tasks to do around the house or to mock me about my appearance. And worst of all, if I don't comply or disagree with something my Uncle will take great pleasure in giving me a beating for it. I have various scars because of it. Though I have learnt to tolerate the pain, to a certain extent at least.

The day I was brought into my Uncle and Aunts house I thought that this was my chance to grasp reality, to get back on track. To finally have the childhood I dreamed for. Thinking back at that memories now I think, oh wow,

That was a very foolish dream.

The only person I don't mind being around in the house is my cousin, Josh, he's the only one who doesn't join in when my uncle and aunt and my bratty little cousin are teasing me. He's the only one who would actually help stop my bleeding, and we do get on pretty well, my Aunt doesn't like the fact that I hang around him. She does whatever she can to prevent it, and it works since she's always sending him on business trips around the world. Which means he's not often around to help me when my Uncle gets pissed off at me.

I do try to defend myself when he throws one of his tantrums at me, but I have grown so weak over the past few years. The only thing I have to look tough is my attitude, which always just gets me in more trouble.

The house maids are always there though. I do have one assigned to me, her name is Erica, I only got her because Sienna didn't like her and My aunt and uncle didn't want to fire her so they reluctantly gave her to me. She's really nice though I like her. Even though she's not allowed in my room after 8pm she's still fun to talk to when I have nothing better to do. In a way she's the only form of entertainment I have in this house.

I know that my Uncle is involved with illegal stuff, it's pretty obvious. He always has groups of men in black entering the house and they all just disappear into his office, He also has a hidden basement that holds chambers or something. I didn't get a good look since I only stumbled upon it when I was in my Uncle's office doing a job, it would be pretty easy to find if you were an enemy. I mean, it's hidden behind a bookshelf. 

could that be any more cliche? 

Anyway I know he's got stuff going on I'm just not sure what. And since he always has people guarding his office I can't get in to see.

I don't even know why they took me in. it would've been better if they had left me to rot along with my fathers body. I have very vague memories of the day my father died, all i remember is that he committed suicide on my ninth birthday and it was a few days before the police came to get me. And I thought that was one of the lowest points in my life.

I was dead wrong.

I'm often told by my family I'm only a cold hearted bitch. That I ruin everything when I'm around. Those things could be warm and cozy until I arrive, that's when everything gets ruined, I change the mood, I bestow thunder and snowstorms upon what once was a warm sunny day. Apparently that's the vibe I give off. Coldness

Good thing revenge is best served cold then.

I am Slylar Cetra. A survivor


First chapter done wooooo!!!

Wordcount: 1204


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