Chapter 8

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I watch as multiple glass bottles hit the wall, shattering and falling to the ground

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I watch as multiple glass bottles hit the wall, shattering and falling to the ground. I feel like I'm stuck in place, unable to escape. I can't get away, even if I wanted to, my family would drag me out of the grave just to make me feel like shit.

So I just stay standing there, though this time, oddly I feel more calm. I watch as my Uncle continues throwing things at the wall. My Aunt and Sienna are also just watching him. Yet they don't look scared.

I'm not sure if I look scared or not. I don't feel anything right now, just numb. I know what's coming. I know what's going to come, I'm just simply accepting it this time, waiting for it to come.

I still don't understand fully why I am calm. I don't fully understand anything, it's not like i'm used to this feeling, but i have experienced this feeling before.

I locked myself in my mind, just for a little bit. I'm taking a moment to think about it. You may ask what 'it' is, but quite frankly I don't know.

I'm currently standing in the back of my mind. It's dark, really dark. But I suppose that's what my mind should look like. Dark

I close my eyes briefly as I see my father starting to shout. Not at me, not yet. I'm not sure what he's shouting at or who he's shouting at. And I don't really care. When I close my eyes I see the 3 boxes.

They are usually white, with a red ribbon on top that has been tied into a bow. The only difference between them is the tag on the side, this tag tells me exactly what the box holds.

But it's different this time, not very different, just different. This time the box that holds my happy memories is tied up with rope. The red bow has been ruined and scrunched up beneath the rope, it's kinda sad. That poor box, why does the box have to go through that? Why is it tied down and restricted like that? It was such a pretty box


I then turn around and I see the other 2 boxes. I don't want to look at them, I'm ready to lock up my mind again.

So I opened my eyes. And I noticed something moving towards me. Something that wasn't there before. It's not a human, and it only takes me a few seconds to register. My Uncle has decided it's finally time to take the rest of his temper tantrum out on me.

And just as I finished my thought the glass bottle that was hurtling towards me collided with my face. The force of it made me stumble back a bit and hold onto a nearby table. I feel the blood rushing out of my nose.

I look up and see exactly what I expected to see. My Aunt and Sienna were now gone and it was just me and my Uncle, and he's mad, i could tell from his bloodshot eyes, he looks madder than the night he almost murdered me with a flying knife

How can you be madder than that??

"This is your fault!" My uncle shouted at me and threw his hands in the air


Ouch, I should be used to it by now but it still hurts.

Before I can respond my uncle is right in front of me and he aims his leg at my ribs and gives it a hard kick. I crumble to the ground, a scream rolling off my tongue. There's unimaginable pain going through my body.

If my ribs weren't sprained before then they most definitely are now.

I'm about to start a plea for mercury that I wont get when a hard kick hits my jaw and I see stars. And they look gorgeous, they're circling around my vision.

Stars are pretty

But before I can keep admiring the stars, another punch to my already bleeding jaw makes it almost crack and my uncle knows that.

"Please" I say , my voice cracking as tears start running down my face. A mix of tears and blood are now covering my dress.

I really liked this dress

"WHAT DID YOU DO?! WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM" my Uncle screams and a hard kick comes to my head this time. Fuck

"I didn't.." I started defending myself but another kick to my ribs caused a gasp to overtake my sentence instead.

I felt like I was going to bleed out. The blood from my jaw was still rushing down my face and onto my dress.


Just as I thought it was coming to an end, a glass bottle, or what felt like a glass bottle, collided with my head and I could feel the shards slicing my skin like butter. More blood rushed down my face as my knee wounds bleed and blood covered my vision.

"If you're still in this room by morning I will gladly ruin your whole face." my uncle spat and turned to the door

Haven't you already done that?

I watch as my uncle leaves me on the floor. Covered in blood. The pain was almost the worst I have ever been in. I also knew that my life was going to be hell for me over the next few days since I knew Sienna was going to torment me as much as she possibly could.

The only fortunate thing is that I'm going to live, is that fortunate? Anyway, I know this because when I'm close to death, memories flood my mind and vision, the good and the bad. You already know this. But this time I saw no memories. Just stars.

So I'll be okay. If I'm lucky my jaw won't even be fractured. It hurts me to realize that this is what my life has come too. I haven't even been able to think about the fact that I'm being married off?!

I sit here and realize that I'm going to be married. To a man I don't even know.

What has my life become?

My ribs are killing me again and I feel like my heads going to explode from the headache that I'm dealing with. And not to mention my jaw, that's another thing to cover now,

I sit there as the tears fall freely down my face. Why me? Why me! Why does it have to be me! Why does this have to happen to anyone? This is a cruel, cruel world..

I look at myself nowadays and I don't see anything anymore. I don't see anyone in the reflection, there's nothing left in my eyes, all of my fight is gone. I look at myself and I see a beast. An ugly useless beast.

And my heart aches because I could have become something. My life could've been better. Who knows I could've been destined to become a painter? Or a teacher. But no. my life was cursed from the very beginning. I was something, at some point.

But now I'm just broken. I'm just a broken girl with a shattered soul


I'm sorry i had to have another sad chapter

I put writing this chapter off for a few days though, and even though it's really short I'm still proud of it.

Wordcount: 1195

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