Chapter 2

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I just sat there, leaning on the wall for support, my brain was barely functioning, everything was so foggy

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I just sat there, leaning on the wall for support, my brain was barely functioning, everything was so foggy. I'm in so much pain. I can feel the blood rushing down my face. I look up at my Uncle who's holding a knife in his hands, unfortunately it was already bloody, and it wasn't his. There were blood stains all over my white top. This was a good top too, what a pain. He just slashed a cut down the very edge of my face. Almost cutting my ear off but I reacted fast enough to keep my ear. Thank god

"I.." I tried to form words but they just just caught in my throat. My world was starting to spin. And when I looked up I saw no ounce of regret in his eyes, only disgust. Things started to get very blurry.

I'm not dying. Not yet

I watched as my Uncle turned around muttering something to himself before he swung around and threw the knife towards me. Only after he had thrown it he noticed it was heading right towards my head.

I don't really feel like getting a knife in my eye right now. It's like everything moved in slow motion from that point. I watched as death came flying towards me. I looked straight at it. I look death right in the eyes. I knew I had a choice. To live or to die. Dying wouldn't be the worst alternative

I could end my suffering. I could see my parents. I could finally feel numb

I keep everything I have ever experienced in boxes in my head. Specific memories have specific boxes. The first box consisted of my past few years, with the Cetras, My aunt, My Uncle, My brother and my bratty little sister. They're not actually my brother and sister their my cousins but it's easier to just say brother and sister

(aka it's easier for the writer to write)

The 2nd box holds my childhood, if you could even call it that. This box consists of dragging my drunk father in from the garden most nights, doing whatever i could to survive in the cruel world i lived in. And if that meant searching dumpsters out the back of stores and relying on my school friends for leftover clothes, that's what I would do, and that's what I did.

And finally the last box. This box is locked and hidden away, deep in the back of my mind. Even though this box is particularly empty, there are very few memories in it, but I still cherish them all with all of my heart. This box holds my very few happy memories. They mostly consist of memories at my old pre-school. And one, just one, of me with my mother when I was very young. She was standing on the other side of the room. Her long brunette locks falling down her shoulders, and she was smiling, so i was smiling, i loved it when mum smiled, it made me happy. her arms were outstretched and she was calling my name

"Skylar! Over here"

I watched my mother. She looked so happy, the sun was beaming on her face. I was leaning on a nearby couch, she kept her arms stretched out and she repeated her words

"Skylar, come to mommy!" She was sitting on the other side of the room and there was still a big smile plastered on her face. I started giggling. My mom was happy, she was soo happy, and that made me happy. I wanted to be in her outstretched arms, I wanted them wrapped around me. I started crawling over to her.

And then I stopped, crawling was so slow, I wanted to get to mum faster, I grabbed my nearby play truck and i used it to force myself onto my stubby legs, and this made mum look even happier,i didn't know why but then i turned around and saw daddy there, he was holding a camera and he also looked really happy

The smile on mom's face got even bigger, if that was possible, her pearly white teeth were showing and her ocean blue eyes were looking right at me.

I started putting one leg over the other, this was way more productive to get around, and I could get to mom quicker.

"Yes Skylar! That's it" My mother said, and got on one knee and hugged me as I crashed into her arms. I was giggling and my dad was looking at me, he was looking at me proudly, little did i know that would be the first and last time that he would ever look at me like that.

I snapped back to reality, 

the knife was still speeding towards me, was it over? Has my 'family' finally done it. Had they finally gone too far? I watched as my life was flashed before my eyes. Everything in the boxes started flying everywhere, what were once neatly formed boxes was now just a spill of all sorts of memories that were taking turns flashing before my eyes. The good and the bad was displayed before my eyes

I had come close to death before many times, but this was by far the closest I have ever come to the woman in black. I saw her, I saw her waiting in the corner, she was staring at me, she looked as if she was pitying me. I don't need pity. I'm not going to sit here and watch death herself pity me. I'm not ready to give my soul to her yet. I wasn't ready.

It wasn't time

My world was still spinning and I was unsure if I could even move. but using every last ounce of strength within me, I moved my legs out from under me and I saw the knife skim my face as I slid down the wall onto my back. If I had stayed in that sitting position any longer I would be bleeding to death right now. I just lay on the ground staring up at the ceiling, it felt like every second that went by was a passing decade

The knife went straight into the wall, and the force that was behind it allowed it to create a hole in the paint. Everything was starting to slowly to black but I fought to keep my consciousness. I heard my uncle's footsteps closer to me. I would move, but i don't think i can even though i want to more than anything

I felt a sharp pain hit my ribs at that moment

"You fucking bastard, theres a fucking hole in my wall now, you bitch!" My uncle shouted,


Another kick to the ribs.

"Please.." I managed to choke out, there was blood spilling out my throat. There is one more kick to my ribs before i heard my Uncle say

"Get out of my office before you get blood on my carpet"

I wouldn't be surprised if my ribs were almost broken or if they were broken. I could feel the bruising starting to spread all over my body.

I started scrambling to get up. I was leaning on the wall again for support and I stumbled out of the room. Tears were prickling on my face. They were falling down like snowflakes. As soon as I got out of the office the door slammed behind me and I collapsed in the hallway. This was by far the biggest beating I have ever gotten. 

I wasn't able to get to my room, I wasn't able to move. The only thing I could do was get my jacked and press it to the slice wound on my face to try and prevent some of the bleeding. I then curled myself into a ball and the tears kept falling down like a waterfall. Soon after that my vision blurred and I'm left in complete darkness.


Heyy lovelyss,

How do we feel about Skylars Uncle?

(i personally don't like him)

Also there could be spelling mistakes

Wordcount: 1462


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