Chapter 4

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Everything in my life has been laid out for me since the moment I was born

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Everything in my life has been laid out for me since the moment I was born. I have always been instructed on what to do and how to do it. I have been pushed around my entire life, I have been treated as if I'm a disgrace to my family. Everyone except for my mother.

My mother is the only person in my life who appreciates my work. She's the one who would give me a big hug at the end of the day. She's the one who would cook celebratory dinners for me when I achieved something. My mother is the only person in the world who gives more than 2 shits about me. My mother is my everything and I would watch this planet burn for her. She was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. It was the most devastating news I have ever heard in my life. And I just fell, I fell down a hole.

A pit of despair

I fell so deep in that hole, I was so far from reality and I knew it. All i wanted to do was find the cure, the cure for my mother, the idea of living without her had me crumbling. I spent 2 years searching, searching for something that couldn't be found, something that never even existed.

And I only recently realized. I need to pull my fucking head in. I can't spend all my time bathing in grief. I cant sit and watch myself fall apart anymore, i need to get my fucking shit together if i wanted to rule.

And so i did

I have worked my way up to the top. From simply designing plans for my father, To eventually making them happen, to being the head of the mafia.

My father was assassinated 4 years ago by the Russian Mafia because he held Sam, The Russian mafia's son, Hosage in a warehouse and my father tortured him to death and thats when the russian mafia's don got pissed and he did a whole fucking mission impossible to get my father assassinated. Since my father was the head of the Italian Mafia at the time and I didn't have any older siblings after he was slaughtered I was automatically the next Mafia Don. I was forced to take this role at the age of 17.

I knew that I had everyone at my feet now. I can do whatever I want. and if anyone tries to stop me i can just blow their fucking brains out. I could burn this whole world down if I wanted to.

I have had a very rocky past. A very very rocky past. But I was a fool, I was just a naive boy. I used to let my emotions pour out. I used to sit in a corner and drown in my own guilt. I used to sit and wait for someone to put a comforting arm around me and tell me it would be okay.

I was stupid to believe that might actually happen. If you want something to get done you have to do it yourself. Nones ever there when you need them the most, but there always there when you succeed. Everyone in this cruel world is just selfish. None ever has any respect and they never fucking will

Each scar that has been permanently etched into my body tells a story, some good, some bad, an

I have a lot of blood on my hands. I have killed countless, innocent and guilty. If anyone tries to get in my way I will not hesitate to eliminate them. I have witnessed countless murders in my life, most of them caused by me. I have learnt the most brutal ways of torture.

I have spent years building my empire. I have worked incredibly hard to get where I am now. And I'm not letting anything distract me. So I have created 2 rules. I follow these rules so I don't mess anything up. I would never forgive myself if something happened because i broke the rules

The first rule, once I'm committed to something. I'm all in. all of my focus goes on that one thing. Nothing gets in my way of completing what I have my sights set on. If I get distracted it could ruin my main plan. Every mission I do always has a meaning. Everything I do has a meaning, every piece of information that I acquire from my missions all go towards one thing. My war with russia. Every single task I complete gets me one step closer to my final goal. To win the war. To avenge my father. And I am willing to do anything to win.


And my second rule. No attachments, I have slept with many women over the past couple years. But one thing I can't let happen is to get attached to them. I live a very dangerous life and I'm not willing to put another through it just for me. I also dont really give a shit about the people i fuck. They're usually just drunk girls that hang around the bar that have just been heartbroken.

I just can't afford to get attached to anyone. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of my work. Plus, every girl i have fucked only want me to stay because of my money, im not wasting time on a fucking gold digger

And after my years of experience it seems that every woman is a gold digger

I faced death many times. I have come so close to death I could see it. I could see the seat in hell, with my name engraved on it. I knew i was going to hell, i have done so much shit in my life it would be a fucking mericale if i went to heaven. But I don't deserve to go to heaven. I know that. I am one of the most feared men in the underworld. I have so much blood on my hand I could build an empire with it.

And i have

Killing has just become a crucial thing in my life. This life, in this life you sometimes need to get your hands dirty, I have come to terms with it. I have realized that if I want to keep my status high I need to prove that I could end anyone's life with just a click of my finger.

And I can. if i want to

I enjoy the look of fear on peoples faces when they hear my name. The knowing look i get from them as they realised they're fucked. As they realise they messed with the wrong fucker. One of my favorite sounds in the world is the sound of people begging for mercy at my feet. People never think before they try to mess things up. Some people might let it slide. Not me though. You get in my way and you die. And I will make sure it's the most pain you have ever experienced. I will make your death slow, slow and painful.

I have worked incredibly hard and I deserve everything i have earned

I am Asher De Armani. Italy's most dangerous Mafia Don.


Wordcount: 1213

What do you think guys?

Is he wattpad material?

Its kinda funny though because if we met sometime like this in real life we could be running as fast as we fucking can

Also, if you couldn't tell.

One of the tropes is Enemies to Lovers


The next chapter is gonna be his Pov


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