Chapter 12

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"Skylar?" Ashers voice pulls me out of my trance

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"Skylar?" Ashers voice pulls me out of my trance.

"What" i say coldly.

Damn i didn't mean for that to be cold, though to be fair why should i bother being nice to this man he is practically taking my life away.

He raises an eyebrow at my tone but he doesn't acknowledge it out loud.

"The wedding is in 3 weeks" He starts and looks at me, i simply look back it him, i'm pretty sure i have my resting bitch face on right now since his eyes go cold, but he continues his sentence still "And before we get married we need to be seen in public"

No, I don't want to see this guy more than I have too.

"Why" I look at him and raise my eyebrows a bit now

"People will find it suspicious if i randomly get married to someone, people need to see us together first" He replies and eyes me carefully, as if he's waiting for me to start throwing a fit

"Who's going to get suspicious?" I ask

"None of your concern" he says

"Of course" I mumble and roll my eyes.

you don't want to know how many times I have heard that sentence in my life.

Asher can now see i'm not happy with the whole situation and says

"Is there an issue"

"Oh i wonder" i roll my eyes at him again

"If you keep rolling your eyes they're going to get stuck that way" He says and the side of his mouth tips upward a bit.

Whats so fucking amusing to him.

I'm very tempted to give him a remark back, so i do

"Careful if the wind changes then your face will be stuck like that" i retort back at him

His smirk falls and it returns to the cold features that it was before.

That makes a genuine smile across my face, I hide it by moving my head to the side so he can't see it.

I enjoy pissing people off.

"You are required to come out with me tomorrow " Ashers voice comes out cold and i turn my head back, the smiles now gone

"Oh," i was planning on looking for another apartment tomorrow, even though i'm moving into ashers house i can still just like hang out at the apartment during the day so i can be away from, Asher

Asher's eyebrows furrow when he sees my disappointment.

"You had plans?" he questions

"Yeah" i say not making eye contact

"I could come with you?" he enquires

No way. He is not coming

"No," I say. I do not plan on building any type of relationship with this man.

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