Chapter 15

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This is really awkward

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This is really awkward. He's just sitting there while I stalk around the shop looking for the right heels. My aunt wanted some black ones so I'm just going to grab the first black ones I can find in her size. Which is proving harder than I thought.

Whats making it even worse is the fact that Asher is staring a hole in the back of my head, i can tell hes looking at me. I don't know if he's wearing a disgusted look on his face or a confused one.

If it is a confusing one I wouldn't be surprised, I'm pretty much checking the size of every black heel in the entire shop.

I spend another 5 or so minutes stalking around before i come to the conclusion there's none, I'm soo fucked

Deep breath. I'll call her and tell her that they don't have them in stock.

You wouldn't think that i would be scared to call her since she's nowhere near me and she cant hurt me or anything, but I'm still petrified. I just wont show it.

I'm taking my sweet time putting her number in the keypad. I don't actually have her contact, I just know her number. Plus I don't think I want her to contact me on my phone anyway.

The ringtone starts echoing throughout my head and I'm literally praying she doesn't pick up. Because if she doesn't I'll have a reason for her not to get mad since it's her fault she didn't pick up.

Unfortunately she picks up,

"Hello this is Lisa" her voice comes through the speaker.

"Hi uh, Its Skylar" i bring the phone up to my ear and speak into it

"Oh, what do you want" I notice the change in her tone once she realizes it's me

"They don't have the heals your looking for here" i speak into the phone

"What do you mean they don't have it?" she spits at me through the phone.

"I mean they don't have your size" My voice is strained and i'm pretty sure i rolled my eyes.

"Did you ask someone who works there?" My aunt says

"Yes" I didn't

"How stupid am I to give you such a simple task and you can't even do that." I can tell she's disappointed but I don't really care to be honest.

"Okay bye" I say. I press the red button and close my phone. I turn to Asher and say, "they don't have her size we can go"

Just as I predicted he was looking at me. But his face isn't disgusted or confused like I thought it would be. Its emotionless

Of course

"Ok" he stands and starts walking out the store.

He's so dry. I catch up and follow beside him. It's still pouring with rain but his car is parked right outside the store. That's helpful i guess

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