Chapter 5

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I'm currently finding the idea of banging my head repeatedly on the desk very appealing right now

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I'm currently finding the idea of banging my head repeatedly on the desk very appealing right now. Things aren't working. I'm trying to get in contact with some of our allies but the codes are not fucking going through and I'm actually about to throw this computer at the wall. I slam the lid and use my arms as a pillow and rest my head on the desk.

Darkness, oh how i welcome it. The darkness is my best friend.

Unfortunately before I can fall fully into the darkness there's a knock on the door that brings me right back to reality.

"Come in" I growl as the door creaks open.

"Oh someones in a mood today" the man at the door replies

"Shut the fuck up Kade" I was ready to punch the next person that came to close and unfortunately for Kade it was him.

"I will go my distance then." Kade replied shortly and i looked up at him with a death glare

"Uh i mean. I'll take a seat" He pulls over a seat and sits on the other side of my desk

"You've gotten another business deal man," he finishes his sentences and i look up at him,

My workers usually don't bother showing me letters unless they're important, like really important. I shut my laptop and focus my full attention on Kade.

Kade has been my childhood best friend since I was 9, he was one of the housemaids' sons and he would always be around the house when his mom was cleaning. One day I stumbled upon him and he was hiding from his mom. That was the day I made my first friend. The first person who was ever excited to see me. From that day on, I spent every day with Kade. I could trust Kade with my life. He would take a bullet for me and I would take one for him. I could just call him and he would be there.

Kades mother died 6 years after i met him. At the time I was 13 and he was still my only friend and I didn't want him to go. So I convinced my parents to let him stay. He has been there for me since then. The amount of times this man has saved my life is stupid. It makes me feel stupid for being in that much danger. But then again. I have saved his life multiple times as well. So we're even

"Who's the letter from" i say and keep my eyes fixed on Kade

"Ayden Cetra" Kade slowly replied to my question. My eyes widened a little bit, a tint of surprise entered my mind

Ayden Cetra?

I tried to cover the surprise that was written all over my face.

Ayden Cetra plays a big part in the American Mafia and he is a dangerous man. But he's also very stupid at the same time.

The Only reason we haven't killed him for supplies is that he has a lot of allies that would come after us if we did. I mean we could easily win a war against them but we also have a war with Russia going on, and we cannot be dealing with two wars right now.

"Surprising right?" Kade didn't look at all bothered. Or maybe he was, he just wasn't showing it.

Aydens Cetra's men killed Kades father a few years ago because he stole some drugs from their warehouse

"What does he want?" I say coldly. Kade pulls out a letter and hands it to me.

"Not sure, thought i'd leave you to open the letter, it is addressed to specifically you after all" Kade waited for me to open the letter but i just stared at it for a moment

"You may go," I say to Kade, not looking up from the letter. It's also very unusual to send letters nowadays. It must be something he doesn't want other people to know about. If he did it would've just sent it online.

"Alright man, but you better tell me what it says, otherwise I'm gonna die of curiosity," Kade says as he pulls the chair back to its original spot.

"Mhm" I say and I hear the door shut and I rip open the letter. I pull the folded paper out of the envelope.

My eyes run over the words over the paper, analyzing what they say. I spent a good minute or two looking at it. I was shocked when Kade gave me the letter but now I'm even more shocked. I was only halfway through the letter when I saw the words. My mouth falls a little bit open.

Ayden Cetra wants an alliance. How unusual

He knew that we were gonna come for him next after the Russian war but I didn't know he had the balls to ask for an alliance. Ayden Cetra is a sick bastard. But, even though his mafia is one of the weakest, they have incredibly good weapons. The only thing in it for us is that,

I would have to marry his daughter.

I couldn't rally comprehend the words

"The only thing in it for you is that you must marry my daughter, to seal the deal"

How the fuck did Ayden get the upper hand?

How the fuck did he do that.

I sat there staring at the wall.

I don't know. I can't risk breaking my 2nd rule. But, if i accept and win the war that rule won't be needed. It would be a really good deal. There was a photo of the contract on the other side of the letter. Nothing in the contract said that I need to pay attention to her at all. I could just give her a room and only take her out when needed for my image.

The man wants me to marry his daughter, Sienna Cetra, but I know enough about Siena to know she's an immature bitch. She has committed many crimes that her father isn't aware of. But I also know that Ayden has another daughter. She's not his actual daughter though.

But she could be an option instead of Sienna

Her name is Skylar. She's a brunette with hazel eyes. She's currently 19 and she's still living with her parents, her record says that she tried to move out but all her house applications were declined. Which is weird because I looked at the applications and they were all perfectly fine. So her father must've rigged the system

I'm not sure why he doesn't want her to leave, but there must be something else behind it.

I don't really know what to do. What if she's a brat? I wouldn't be able to just shoot her if I wanted to, if she got on my nerves I wouldn't be able to get rid of her. I've never had to stick to rules. None has told me what to do since I was 17.

The note also says that they are inviting me and my family to dinner. It also says that I can decide my answer after the dinner.

It's a big opportunity the only question was

Am I willing to take it?

Yes, yes i am


Wordcount: 1185


Have a good day



Or am i?

Jk im jk

Wait what am i kidding about again


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