Chapter 7

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 I watched as she walked down the stairs, as he heels clicked every step she took, she looks fucking gorgeous, Skylars wearing a blue tight fitted dress that hugs her curves and she has long dark hair falling past her shoulders

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 I watched as she walked down the stairs, as he heels clicked every step she took, she looks fucking gorgeous, Skylars wearing a blue tight fitted dress that hugs her curves and she has long dark hair falling past her shoulders.

her eyes meet mine and they linger there for a while. She watches as I watch her. My eyes soften the littlest bit but I cover it up quickly.

She may be gorgeous. But personality wise I have no idea.

As she reaches the bottom of the stairs I see that her family is staring daggers at her.


I watch as Adyen puts his hand on her shoulder and she reacts slightly. I watch as his grip tightens around her shoulder as he talks and she sucks in a breath.

"This is my niece Skylar," Ayden says almost shamefully. How could you be ashamed of that woman? Shes fucking gorgeous. I watch as he grip tightens even more and i start getting concerned,

Why has he got his grip so tight. That looks like it's gonna bruise.

My eyes meet with Skylars and she immediately hides her pain. But before I could furrow my eyebrows at her as a signal to ask if she's okay she rips her gaze from mine and looks down.

I shouldn't even care about it. It's most likely nothing

I'm brought back to reality when my mother steps out and introduces herself to Skylar and shakes her hand. My mother was well enough to come to dinner tonight and she was so excited when she knew that my future wife could be in the room. Although I knew she hated Siena from the moment she shook her hand. Of course my mother didn't say anything since she wanted me to make the decision on my own but I knew she didn't like her from the first moment.

And I get it. The bitch has been trying to get my attention since I walked in the door. I wish I could shove her into the door. I just have to try my best to stay away from Siena. Which will be hard since her father thinks I'm marrying her.

No thanks.

My mother then introduces me to Skylar and i bring my hand out to shake hers but before i could feel her hand against mine her aunt blurts out

"How about we get some drinks huh??"

I watch as Skylar turns around and I bring my hand down so i don't look stupid with my hand outstretched for no reason. Skylar then turns around and brings her arm back. She makes eye contact with me and then turns to follow her aunt

I'm walking behind Skylar and I can't help noticing the concealer on her back, I wonder why there's concealer there?

Just kidding I'm not that fucking hopeless. She obviously has a bruise or a scar there. I don't know how she got it, or maybe there are more than one. I just don't understand why she's covering it.

It's none of my business anyway.

I continue to follow them deeper into the house until we stop at a sitting room. As soon as we enter I analyze every possible way to escape, just in case, you know. Things go wrong

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