Chapter 3

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The morning broke but I think I woke up before sunrise since it was still pitch black

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The morning broke but I think I woke up before sunrise since it was still pitch black. I am immediately reminded of the night before as the pain in my head hit me. my jacket is soaked in blood and my ribs were fucking killing me. I knew that if I didn't want to be mocked for my current state I have to get up to my room before anyone else in the house got up. Conveniently I collapsed right by the stairs, the only problem was I didn't know how i'm going to get up the stairs. I start climbing up, I'm grasping onto the handrail for support,

Why are these stairs so fucking long

I continue to crawl up the stairs and I finally collapse at the top, rolling onto my back panting while I stare at the ceiling. I roll over and i can see my door in sight

"Come on Skylar, you're almost there" I mutter to myself. A normal person would probably be screaming and crying in pain right now

Good thing i'm not normal then

I heave myself up and stumble over to my door, grabbing the handle for support. I let myself in my room and I collapsed again, I looked up at my bed. It's so close yet so far away. I practically roll over to my bed and I climb onto it.

The bed welcomes me, it's the best feeling ever right now I sink into the covers. I feel like i could become the met

"There's finally meaning to my life" I whisper and sigh at the same time. I have been deprived of many many things but a good bed is not one of them. I'll thank Erica for that, she's the one who managed to get the bedding for me. I sit up and look over my room. I'm sure my Auntie would've given me the basement if she could but everything in this house is fancy so even though this is the smallest bedroom in the house it's pretty good.

You walk in and there's a wardrobe to your right and the bed is right in front of you. And on your left is a door to a bathroom. There's a window right above my bed, the theme is white, there is a skylight at the very top of the roof. When I don't want to see the sky I close the blind. I do have a good wardrobe since I cannot be seen as.. Well as my family call it 'a peasant' as it would possibly ruin their family reputation. There's a nice rug and a bookshelf next to my bed and there's a hanging light that is placed just above my bed. It's not very big but it's good enough for a reading light. I do have a main light though, it hangs in the middle of the room at the end of my skylight.

So my life may suck but at least at the end of the day I don't have the worst room to come home too

I'm about to get under the covers of my bed when there's a loud banging on my door and I sigh.

Really?? Right now?

I just lay there, and then there's more banging

"Skylar Cetra. Open this fucking door right now!" my Auntie shouts

Oh shit full name

"One moment!" i knew i was in trouble since she used my full name but I'm too worried anymore. I managed to get out of bed with great strength, I let out a gasp of pain as I got onto my feet. As I slowly make my way to the door.

"SKYLAR CETRA IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN A WORLD OF TROUB-" my auntie was screaming at me but i opened the door and cut her off. Which made her even more pissed off.

Did I mention she has anger issues?

She looks me up and down and I forgot that I'm covered in blood. She just smirks at me and i want to punch her fucking face in but i know better than that.

"Yes?" i say yawning already wanting her to leave

"You need to get changed into a dress and.." she looks down at my bruises and scoffs "you need to cover those"

"Why" i say paying a little bit more attention

"We have a guest coming over"


"That's none of your concern, but don't wear that blue dress wear that ugly green one or something, we need the attention on your sister Siena" my auntie looks me up and down

"Uh okay when do i need to get ready"

"The dinners are 7,"

"Ok, is there anything else you need" i ask not actually expecting her to say yes

"Yeah i need you to clean my wardrobe later today" she quickly replies

"Wait wh-"

"Okay bye" my auntie slams the door in my face before I can finish and I clench my fist. I want to rip her guts out and stuff them down her throat and watch her choke on them

Fucking bitch


I very slowly make my way to my bathroom clutching my ribs. I'm starting to get used to it but it still doesn't mean it's really painful. I step in front of the mirror, and I wince when I see my body. There's bruises littering all over my body and I can see all the dry blood covering up the knife slice. Over the years I have had various bruises. I've grown to hate my body, hate the way that the scars are all over my body i hate how they taunt me, they're pretty much just telling me that I'm not strong enough to stand up for myself, that i'm weak

I don't know who's coming over but they must obviously be very important. As much as i know i'll regret it later but i'm planning on wearing my best dress. Just to piss my family off. If i cant rebel against them the way a normal human would, I use my looks to piss them off, i just have to make sure that i look better than Sienna. Which is pretty easy to do.

Oh, I have to clean the wardrobe, that will actually help, because I can take some of my aunt's heels, she will be gorgeous white ones that will go with my dress



It's finally time to get ready and I'm actually gonna try to look good this time. I usually put zero effort into my family functions since I simply don't care about them but for some reason I would like to make an impression on these people.

I don't even know why i care that much

I slip my dress on and i stare at myself in the mirror, it's a deep blue with a V neck and its backless until just above the hips, and as were on the topic of hips it hugs them perfectly and it shows the right curves, it falls down to just below my ankles, blue sequins decorate the very end of the dress, i leave my hair straight and then i slip my heels on, the next job is to cover up the scars, i get my concealer and whatever else i use and i strain to cover up the bruises and scars that are on my back, there aren't too many which is good, there's a big one that is on the right of my back and then there's just some small bruises that are easy to cover.

My ribs were still giving me a fucking headache but i could try and cover it up, i used concealer and cover the scar that was now forming on the edge of my face, its a very thin scar but its a long scar that runs from a bit above my ear all the way down to the bottom on of my ear. Once im finally done i open the door and i see my auntie and uncle waiting along with my sister and brother at the bottom on the stairs, all of them are dressed formally the men are in suits and the woman are in dresses, it's obvious that my sister is trying very hard to show her curves off but she's wearing a short bright yellow dress that does not suit at all, and she's tried to pair it with jet black heels.

There's a knock on the door and a woman walks in and shakes my fathers hand then and someone that looks like her son walks in after and holy shit,

And he looks like a fucking god


I wonder who it is


Wordcount: 1457


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