Chapter 9

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I grasped her hair so hard that it made her whimper below me

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I grasped her hair so hard that it made her whimper below me. I let out a groan and twisted the blonde strands around my hand. I yanked her head forward and i heard gag escape her throat

After the meetup with the Cetra's last night I came straight home and one of my mistresses was waiting for me. And I needed to cool off anyway so, the rest is pretty self explanatory.

Once I am officially married cheating is not an option. Even though I will never love the woman I'm marrying I still hold morals to myself never to cheat.

Though I woke up this morning to the blonde still in my company. Her face automatically pissed me off and I was about to tell her to leave when I watched her get on her knees, it was still pretty early in the morning but to be honest I don't really care.

So here I am watching some random blonde suck me off. She isn't very good at it. Yet I still have my hands tangled in her hair.

I do have a lot of things to get done today, such as contacting Ayden to have a meeting about wedding arrangements. As much i dont want to see that fuck face, i have too if i want him to give me weapons supplies.

I return my focus to the blonde below and she's still got me deep in her throat.

This is getting boring now.

I shove her off me and i yank my hand out of her hair and i watch her expression change and she starts to complain, i don't really feel like dealing with her right now

"Ow! What was that fo-"


Problem solved.

I watch as the bullet goes right through her head, a clean shot. Her body slumps to the ground and blood starts pouring out of her head. The blonde hair that was once twisted around my hand was now being colored a dark red.

There is now a pool of blood forming and I simply watch it for a while, her brains are scattered all over the floor and I can see her face going a very pale white. There's organs starting to spill all over my flooring.

I'm not sure if anyone's ever gonna miss her but it's not my problem. She dug her own grave when she decided to wait outside my door.

With my gun still in hand I stand up and turn my back to the body that now lies on my floor. As I'm heading towards my bathroom I realize there are several missed calls from Ayden, and many messages. I don't bother checking them yet since i already know its just going to be him trying to convince me to marry Sienna instead

I don't think he's realized that I already signed the contract with Skylar.


I lean my head against the cold metal. Small water drops are cascading down my body. I don't usually get lost in my thoughts since my mind is a very dangerous place, but today, i don't know. Today i just didn't bother trying to stop it

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