Chapter 19

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I'm hungover, I don't know how many drinks i had last night but i know for sure i was not keeping count

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I'm hungover, I don't know how many drinks i had last night but i know for sure i was not keeping count.

I've thrown up a few times.

I don't even know where I am. Well I do, I'm at Asher's house. I'm in what I assume is my new room.

The last thing I remember from last night was being taken home in a bmw before I either fell asleep or passed out, i don't know which one it is. But I know it's one of the two.

I woke up in this room with my phone and whatever belongings I had at my old house here. They all hung up and stuff. Not that there was much to hang up in the first place.

I didn't get to explore the room too much before it hit me how sick I felt. There's a bathroom that's connected to my bedroom so I ran in there and threw it a couple times.

I've been hungover a few times but it's still a new feeling. Not a good feeling though. But when has feeling sick ever felt good? That's right, never.

But being sick has just been a part of my life. The place I was raised (my uncle and aunt's house) was not an ideal place for an already traumatized child to be raised. I was sick many, many times in that house.

I'm currently lying in the bed that's placed in the middle of the room. I still feel sick but it's not as bad, don't get me wrong though it's still bad. It's pretty much just a headache. A fucking painful one at that.

But i absolutely love the room, its actually fucking gorgeous , i love the theme and the curtains the i love that the bed is round, usually i would prefer a rectangle one or whatever but this one matches the vibe completely.

There's a daybed which I love to go and sit on, and for a moment I forgot that I'm sick, well hungover

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There's a daybed which I love to go and sit on, and for a moment I forgot that I'm sick, well hungover. Same thing, anyway

Just as I'm sitting up the pain in my head shoots through my whole body and I give myself a fright. I fall back onto the bed and bring the blanket over my face. This is probably the most comfy bed I have ever slept by the way. Maybe even better than my old one.

What am I on about? It is better than my old one.

Just as I'm about to get mad at myself for making myself feel worse, I remember that when you have a headache it's better to be in darkness. I don't know why the lights were on while I was sleeping anyway.

We only have one problem though. The light switch is all the way across the room. Which means I have to get up.

I don't wanna get up.

I get up anyway. I'm grabbing onto whatever I can to get over the goddamn light switch but I notice there's a note and a little box on the table.

I decide to forget my original objective for the time being and make my way over to the table. Once I get close I realize that there's two boxes. I pick up the little note and read it.

The ring in the blue box is your engagement ring and the ring in the dark red box is your wedding ring. The engagement ring has less diamonds on it so put that one on the bottom and the one with more diamonds on the top

Wait, first thing, why am I only putting the rings on now? Come to think of it, shouldn't we have put the wedding rings on last night and shouldn't I already have the engagement ring on?

Why are we only putting them on now? And second thing, why the hell are their diamonds? I cannot be trusted with anything that has even the tiniest bit of value, I'll probably lose it. And I don't like the idea of wearing thousands of dollars on my finger.

What if i accidentally cut my finger off and lose the rings or what if the rings get dirty, or what if a diamond falls off and I lose it.

All these thoughts flood my mind yet I'm picking up the blue box and opening it. The note isn't wrong. There are little white diamonds on there. A lot

That must've been expensive.

I slide that ring on my ring finger first before I open the 2nd box, the dark red one. The ring that sits inside is gorgeous, there a white diamonds around the edges and then a red one right in the middle. It's not huge, so it's not annoying. But it still cost a lot, I can tell. But it's gorgeous.

I slide the ring on above the other one and I hold my hand out and examine it. They're beautiful rings. I have half a mind to take them off but then the other half says that Asher will make me wear them anyway.

I'm not complaining though, they are beautiful after all.

My thoughts drift to Asher. I wonder where he is, oh wait. He's in the bedroom next to me, he told me that a while ago. I wonder if he's hungover. He won't be, he's smarter than that.

I think

I don't know but if he's not I'm jealous. I'm jealous of anyone who's not hungover right now.

My eyes drift to the rings again. This means I'm married, I'm officially married. You're supposed to be happy once you're married. Because for most people when you get married it's the love of your life. Not some random guy who's doing a business deal with your uncle.

Maybe one day I'll be able to escape Asher and run away to a different country. Somewhere with a beach. Somewhere hot, and I'll get to what I want. I'll get to go out whenever I want. I'll get to go to university. I might even meet the one I'll actually love.

One day. I hope

After a few minutes of admiring them I finally make my way to the lightswitch and turn the light off. Darkness immediately surrounds the room and I get back into bed.

I drown in pillows. It's the best feeling.

I think I'm going to go back to sleep, I have zero idea what time it is but it doesn't matter. I know my phone is right there and I could check but I don't actually want to know.

I grab a pillow and hug it before my eyelids close.


Short chapter after the last one

I feel like half my chapters finish off with either Skylar or Asher falling asleep.

Ashers pov next 🤩

I just hit 30k words for this story!

And i know that on wattpad it doesn't show the pages but i'm writing this story on google docs and i just hit 110 pages!

So I'm pretty proud of that.


I wont always put the date i just want to remember when i wrote this.

By the way this isn't the date that i published it this is the date i wrote it.

Wordcount: 1104

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