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Another year another reaping

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Another year another reaping. Bellona figured she would be used to it by the 10th time around, but even now, she dreaded the wretched day.

To be fair, having to watch helplessly as your friends from home die is not the easiest thing to do. Usually, the Plinths opt not to show up for Reaping Day, for obvious reasons. But this year, Bellona and Sejanus were specifically requested to attend.

And by requested, she meant forced. Apparently, this was part of a final assignment by the Academy before they graduated. Something about mentoring? Bellona wasn't really listening when it was explained.

So, she decided to get herself extra ready today as her own form of protest -- grabbing onto some blue eye shadow as she painted her face in a way to surely draw attention. Bellona liked doing this sometimes. It often pissed off the people of the Capitol without her actually saying anything to get herself or her family in trouble. 

And it meant she could stand out in a crowd. Something she liked to do.

As soon as she was done getting ready, she quickly sat down at the breakfast table, grabbing some blackberry pie.

"Pie for breakfast, Bell? And what's with that makeup? It looks ridiculous," Father commented as he stared up from his food at the girl.

"I think she looks stunning," Ma complimented, sending Bellona a sweet smile. Bellona smiled back gratefully.

"Don't worry, Father. This gets all the boy's attention," Bellona joked, sending her 'father' an innocent smile. This only seemed to unsettle him.

"You need to be careful, Bell. Find a nice boy. Like Festus Creed or Coriolanus Snow," her father advised. But, Bellona couldn't tell if he was more concerned about her or his reputation.

"Ugh. No, not Festus Creed. Anyone but that idiot. He gets on my nerves," Bellona complained with a groan. Festus Creed was the worst person to exist. Bellona was sure of that.

"Be nice to that boy, Bell. Who knows, maybe you'll even end up liking him," Ma innocently suggested, causing Bellona and Sejanus to burst into laughter.

"Not likely," Sejanus muttered as he cleared his throat, earning a glare from Father.

"Don't be rude, Sejanus. At least Bellona is out there socializing. She knows how to fit in. Maybe you should be taking advice from her," Father commented, sending a stern look Sejanus's way before turning back to his breakfast.

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