07 | reminders of home

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Bellona loudly grunted as Professor Sickle escorted the two back to the group, rolling her eyes when she saw the only open spot was next to Festus

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Bellona loudly grunted as Professor Sickle escorted the two back to the group, rolling her eyes when she saw the only open spot was next to Festus.

"Now that everyone's here, I'd like to set some ground rules,"  Professor Suckle explained. Bellona didn't listen any further after that, annoyed by her talk with Festus. How hard could the rules be anyway?

It wasn't until Bellona felt a nudge on her shoulder that she was brought back from her daze. Festus.

"Don't touch me," Bellona muttered, pulling her arm away as Festus rolled her eyes.

"Pay attention then. We're meant to be working together on this. And I don't want a partner that slacks off," Festus complained under his breath. He was really getting on her nerves.

"And you two," Professor Sickle announced as she addressed Festus and Bellona, "For the sake of everyone. Play nice today, okay?"

Begrudgingly, the two nodded, but it was clear they weren't going to listen. It was in their nature to fight.

"Alright then. Let's get moving!"


The ride to the arena didn't take very long, something Bellona was extremely grateful for seeing as she had to sit next to Festus.

But sadly, her time with the annoying boy didn't end there. Of course not. Mizzen and Coral were attached at the hip. And so, Bellona had to be the same with Festus.

"There's nowhere to hide," Mizzen muttered as he looked around the barren arena. Bellona took the time to finally get a good look at the arena. Before the war, they used this building for entertainment, but of course, Bellona had not been here then.

No. She was seeing it for the first time just like all of the tributes.

Mizzen had been correct. The arena was like an empty cage. Nowhere to hide, but nowhere to run either. The only thing that Bellona thought might've masked as a hiding spot was the stands, but even then, there was a chance someone could get caught. 

"Good thing you know how to fight then," said Festus, "You're gonna need it."

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