14 | a sprinkle of breadcrumbs

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Bellona quickly changed into some darker clothes before rushing off toward the arena, muttering something about finding Sejanus

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Bellona quickly changed into some darker clothes before rushing off toward the arena, muttering something about finding Sejanus.

As she suspected, a guard stood outside the arena, blocking the entrance as he played with the money in his hands. Bellona scoffed. Money? Really?

"Hi," Bellona greeted, plastering on a fake smile as she made her way over to the man. The Peacekeeper eyed her up and down with a smirk before turning back to his money.

"What can I do for you, little lady?" the man asked, paying no mind to her. Bellona only stepped closer, looking inside the gates to see Sejanus.

So she was right.

"I think you just let my friend over there inside," said Bellona, pointing toward Sejanus, "I'd like to go in too."

The man turned back to look at Sejanus before laughing.

"No can do, little lady. Boy told me not to let anyone in looking for him. I'm presuming he meant you," said the man, causing Bellona to groan.

"Please?" Bellona begged, fluttering her lashes at him as she put a hand on his arm, mimicking what she had done earlier to Lepidus. The Peacekeeper smirked, letting Bellona graze his arm as he leaned closer.

"And what are you gonna give me?" the man muttered, his face so close Bellona could feel his breath. Bellona smiled at that, leaning closer before reaching for the gun in his holster, and aiming it at him.

"Let me in. Now," Bellona demanded, causing the man to laugh.

"Come on, sweetie. We don't want you hurting yourself," the man mocked. Bellona laughed in response, cocking the gun before aiming it at the man again.

"I may be rusty but I think I'll be able to manage. Let me in," Bellona demanded, ready to pull the trigger. If it meant getting to Sejanus, she would do it.

"Well would you look at that," the man muttered, clenching his jaw as he opened the gate, "Gates open."

Bellona smirked, placing the gun in her waistband before walking into the arena. Time to go get Sejanus.

Quietly, the girl made her way through the entrance, sneaking under the barricade before walking toward Sejanus.

Breadcrumbs. Of course.

"Sejanus," Bellona muttered, crouching down next to the boy. Instantly, Sejanus turned in her direction, eyes wide.

"Bells? What are you doing here? I told the man-"

"Yeah well he wasn't going to stop me," Bellona muttered, turning her attention toward the breadcrumbs, "Giving Marcus some peace?"

Sejanus looked down, nodding as he looked at Marcus's body.

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