05 | the death of a crane

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It didn't take long for Bellona and Festus to reach the zoo, sadly joined by a few of their other classmates

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It didn't take long for Bellona and Festus to reach the zoo, sadly joined by a few of their other classmates.

Instantly, Bellona began to depart from the group, dragging Festus along as she noticed Mizzen with his district partner, Coral, by the gate.

"Mizzen! Long time no see," Bellona greeted the boy, handing both him and Coral a sandwich that she'd stolen through the fence.

Mizzen took it with little thought but Coral seemed to be a little more weary, only taking it when she noticed Mizzen taking a bite.

"You owe me a story," Mizzen exclaimed after he took another bite of the sandwiches. Bellona took one look at a frustrated Festus and resistant Coral before turning back to Mizzen.

Good. They were too busy with their staredown to be listening.

"Fine. Sit down. It's a long story," Bellona joked, getting on the ground herself as Mizzen looked at her in curiosity.

"Before the war, I lived in Two with my parents. I lived a pretty normal life, I guess. I went to school every day and learned to hunt with my dad. My dad always warned me about a war coming, but I didn't think much of it. But then, the bombings started and my neighborhood got hit. I wasn't home, but my parents were. At least I was told they were. I never even got to say goodbye," Bellona explained, starting with a smile before slowly fading away as she recounted her parent's death.

"But how did you end up in the Capitol? Did a Capitol family adopt you or something?" Mizzen asked, leaning in curiously. Bellona let out a chuckle at that. No Capitol family would adopt District 'scum'.

"I stayed with my friend, Sejanus, over there for a while," Bellona answered, pointing toward Sejanus, who was trying to get Marcus's attention.

"He's from Two as well. We stayed in Two for a while actually. Until the war ended. Sejanus's father made a lot of money doing something. I don't really care to know what. But I guess it was enough to win his family a ticket to the Capitol. And since I had nowhere else to go, they brought me along," Bellona explained, feeling odd to be talking about her 'father' as if he wasn't hers. She'd gotten so used to acting as if they were her family.

"I guess you lucked out then," Mizzen replied, a hint of bitterness in his tone. Bellona just smiled. His bitterness was understandable.

"I guess we can call it that," Bellona replied, looking at the ground for a moment. In many ways, Mizzen was right. Bellona had lucked out. She didn't have to worry about working or being reaped in the Hunger Games like everyone else in the Districts.

But her privilege didn't stop her from missing home.

"I miss it, you know. Two. I miss my parents and my school and my friends," Bellona muttered. She didn't know why she was explaining this all to the young boy, but it was nice to have someone who understood at least a little.

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