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Eventually, interview day arrived and Bellona found herself locked in a classroom with Festus and their two tributes

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Eventually, interview day arrived and Bellona found herself locked in a classroom with Festus and their two tributes.

Originally, Bellona planned to train Mizzen on her own, but both the boys expressed interest in doing it as a team, leaving Coral and Bellona forced to agree.

"Alright, I've got some surprises," Bellona started, bringing in two mops and a few wood planks. As she thought, the Capitol refused to supply her with any weapons, muttering something about being creative as they denied her request.

"What are those?" Coral asked, looking at the object with an unimpressed stare. Bellona chuckled at that, tossing one of the mops toward Coral.

"Your weapons. Mops as your tridents and these little planks as Mizzen's knife," Bellona explained, happily waving around the planks.

"How are those knives?" asked Festus, looking at the pieces of wood with furrowed brows, causing Bellona to roll her eyes.

"Be creative, Creed. It's the best I could do on such short notice," Bellona replied, sending daggers at the boy. Festus quickly cleared his throat, backing away slightly as if his life had been threatened.

"I think it's a great idea," Mizzen cut in, attempting to reassure the girl. Bellona smiled at the boy, handing him a plank.

"Why thank you, Mizzen. Only a true marksman would be able to appreciate my work," Bellona replied, sending another look toward Festus.

"I still don't see how the planks work," Festus muttered under his breath, but of course, Bellona heard. Bellona smiled wickedly at the boy as she began to toss the block in her hand, playing tricks with it before sending it right to his stomach.

"Bullseye!" Bellona yelled out with a laugh as Festus bent over in pain, earning a laugh from the kids from Four.

"Ms. Plinth!" Bellona heard one of the Peacekeepers yell out, sending her a warning that she quickly waved off before helping Festus back up.

"The stomach? Really?" Festus muttered, gritting his teeth as he leaned onto Bellona. Bellona continued to laugh as she held onto him.

"I'm sorry, it was just so easy," she muttered mischievously, patting the boy on the back to signal the end of her coddling.

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