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TW (per Lua's request): a lot of Coriolanus chapter

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TW (per Lua's request): a lot of Coriolanus chapter

"Hello Bell." 

Coriolanus Snow. What was he doing here? Is this why Father wanted her home?

"Coriolanus," Bellona said absentmindedly, paying no mind to the boy as she turned to her Ma with a look of annoyance. Ma, however, waved her daughter off with a smile.

"Bell! Why don't you sit down? I've made a lovely meal," said Ma, gesturing for the seat next to Coriolanus. Bellona groaned but complied.

"Where's Sejanus?" Bellona asked, noticing her brother's empty seat. Immediately, the table went quiet with only the clanking of silverware to be heard.

"In his room," her father sternly replied, angrily eyeing Bellona. He must still be mad about earlier. Of course, he was.

The room went silent again as Bellona went to object, but Ma quickly reassured her.

"He's not feeling well, Bells. Just needs some rest," Ma muttered, sending Bellona a warm smile before clearing her throat, "Did Festus walk you home right now?"

Bellona turned red as she nodded, glad her parents didn't know exactly what went down last night. She'd be mortified if they ever found out.

"Are you two together now?" Coriolanus asked her, loudly enough for the entire table to hear. Bellona turned to him with a menacing look, hoping desperately that he would shut up.

"Not really," Bellona muttered quietly, trying to send Coriolanus a hint to shut up. Of course, the idiot didn't get it.

"Really? I heard you two were seen ki-"

Immediately, Bellona began to cough loudly, cutting off the boy's sentence. There was no way in hell she was letting Coriolanus tell her parents she kissed Festus.

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