Ch.5 secret

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"Yes, Midoriya?"
Midoirya hesitates. He knows he shouldn't ask, that asking will just increase suspicion about his home life and having Aizawa go with him will just make everything worse because it'll just worry the man more, but Midoriya is scared. He's caught in a moment of weakness. He feels like he's cornered and there's no way out. He knows he can't escape, he doesnt care about that. He just doesnt want to be alone. He just wants someone to hold onto. It had been so long since he'd received any form of comfort. Kacchan tried after his mom died, but nothing could replace Midoriya's mother. She was his anchor, his home. He'd never have that again, he knew that, but Aizawa was his hero. He may not be his anchor, but he could be a shield, someone to protect him from the fear that had preyed on him his entire life. So Midoriya gives in, "I...I have an appointment tomorrow and my Mom won't be able to make it. Would you mind coming with me?"
"Of course"
Aizawa couldn't help but feel honored. He was being trusted with everything. Midoriya had chosen him to open up to. He had deemed him worthy and Aizawa wouldn't trade that for the world.

Midoriya's mind was elsewhere. He knew what he was facing. He didn't know exactly what was coming but the call he received was far from ideal. Aizawa needs to know what he's getting himself into, so Midoriya tells him.
"Thank you. I wouldnt normally ask, it's just... It wasn't really scheduled. I got a call earlier today saying my lab results are in and they weren't looking good."
A heavy silence shrouded the room. Midoriya stared up at Aizawa, lip quivering and eyes glazed over. He looked so young. He was so young. He was just a scared kid and it broke Aizawa's heart.
"I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave everyone."
His voice was raw, it hurt just to hear.
"I know, kiddo. I know."
Aizawa held Midoriya while he cried.
"I won't pretend to understand what you're going through. And as much as I want to, I can't tell you that its all going to be ok. But I swear to you that you won't be alone. I'm here. Recovery girl is here. Your classmates, even if they don't know, they're here for you."
"You say that, but what happens when they all find out how weak I am? When I can't keep fighting? Everyone always leaves. It'll be just like it's always been. I don't know if I can do this alone, Aizawa."
"You won't have to. You'll always have me."
Midoriya looked up at him with hesitant eyes full of hope.
"I promise."


The next day Aizawa accompanied Midoriya to his appointment.
They walked side by side, the silence between them filled with unspoken promises. Not the unkeepable 'I promise that you'll be ok' type of promise, the 'I'm not going anywhere' type of promise. The type that fate can't break so easily.

As they entered the doctor's office, Aizawa took a moment to watch his student go through the motions. This clearly wasn't the first time he had done this. How many times has he had to go to these appointments alone. Was he alone when he first received the news?
The thought of it made his heart hurt.

As the examination progressed, the doctor's face shifted, betraying his concern. Finally, she spoke, her voice measured and sympathetic. "Midoriya, I'm afraid the progression of your illness has been quicker than anticipated."

Midoriya's heart skipped a beat.

"At this rate, considering the toll it's taking on your body, I would advise considering your physical limitations in the near future."

The weight of the words hung in the air, Aizawa's heart breaking as the reality of the situation started to sink in. He glanced at Midoriya, noticing the subtle flinch, the brief flicker of fear in his weary eyes. This was just another cruel reminder that time was not on their side.

Midoriya swallowed hard, voice trembling slightly as he asked the question they both dreaded. "How much time do I have left...before I'll have to stop attending UA?"

The doctor hesitated, gaze filled with empathy. "Based on the current progression, I would estimate... approximately six months, give or take. But it's important to note that everyone's situation is different. We'll monitor your condition closely and adjust accordingly."

Aizawa felt a lump forming in his throat, the weight of the deadline settling heavily on his shoulders. Six months. It wasn't enough time. Not nearly enough for Midoriya to achieve everything he had dreamt of, to fully embrace his potential as a hero. But he knew he had to support Midoriya's decision to confide in their friends at his own pace.

Turning to Aizawa, Midoriya's gaze was filled with determination, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. "Sensei, please promise me you won't tell anyone about this yet. I want to tell them when I'm ready, when I can face their reactions head-on."

Aizawa's eyes softened, a mix of admiration and concern reflecting in his gaze. He placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder, offering a silent reassurance. "I promise, Midoriya. I won't reveal your secret until you're ready. But remember, your friends are a source of strength. They care about you deeply, and opening up to them might lighten the burden you carry."

Midoriya nodded, a mix of gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. The weight of the secret remained, but Aizawa's promise offered a glimmer of relief. They would face the days to come together, one step at a time, navigating the delicate balance between secrecy and the healing power of friendship.

As they left the doctor's office, a sense of both urgency and purpose filled the air. Midoriya's steps were slightly heavier, his determination steeled by the knowledge of the limited time he had left to pursue his dreams. Aizawa walked alongside him, their bond unspoken yet unbreakable.

Midoriya glanced at his teacher, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. "Thank you, Aizawa-sensei. I know it won't be easy, but I want to cherish every moment I have left at UA. And when the time is right, I'll confide in our friends."

Aizawa nodded, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips. "I believe in you, Midoriya. You have a strength that transcends your quirk. Let your friends share in your journey, and let them be the pillars of support they long to be."

They walked in silence, the weight of Midoriya's secret now shared between them. Each step forward was a testament to their resolve, a silent promise to face the challenges together. In the midst of uncertainty, they found solace in their unwavering bond and the unspoken hope for a future where Midoriya's dreams could still be realized.

And so, they continued on their path, shadows lengthening behind them as they pressed onward. The deadline loomed, but in that moment, as Midoriya and Aizawa walked side by side, they found strength in each other's presence. They would navigate the days to come with unwavering determination, cherishing every moment and forging unforgettable memories, all the while keeping Midoriya's secret safe until he was ready to share it.

Aizawa sat down beside Midoriya, his gaze fixed on the young hero with a mixture of concern and determination. "Midoriya, I understand your reasons for wanting to keep this a secret from All Might, but I have to ask... why? Why would you be afraid that he would take away your ability to become a hero?"

Midoriya's eyes shifted downward, a shadow crossing his features. He took a deep breath, the weight of his words palpable in the silence that followed. "It's a long story. One that I promise to share with you another day. But for now, I'm just... tired. Mentally and emotionally drained. The thought of facing All Might and his disappointment... it's terrifying."

Aizawa's eyes narrowed, his concern deepening. He wanted to pry further, to understand the complexities of Midoriya's fears. But he also recognized the toll it would take on the young hero, who had already faced so much.

After a moment of hesitation, Aizawa made a choice. He respected Midoriya's need for space and trusted that the truth would be revealed in due time. With a sigh, he nodded. "Alright, Midoriya. I won't press you further for now. Just remember that I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."

Midoriya offered a grateful smile, the weight on his shoulders seeming to lessen ever so slightly. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa. I appreciate your understanding."

With their conversation coming to a close, Aizawa rose from his seat, his mind focused on the task that lay ahead. He had promised Midoriya that he would share the news with the selected teachers, and he would honor that promise. The weight of the tragedy hung heavy in the air, a burden that he would now share with a select few.

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