Secret ch6

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After the appointment Aizawa took Midoriya out for ice cream. Midoriya protested, it was too much, Aizawa had already done so much for him, but Aizawa insisted.
"Kid, when you're sick you get to have ice cream. Trust me it's just about the only perk"

"But Mr Aizawa-"

"No buts, now pick your flavor"

Midoriya picked out a plain vanilla with sprinkles and Aizawa picked out some sort of chocolate espresso fusion.
They sat together at the park in silence before Aizawa eventually spoke.

"So why don't you want to tell your friends again?"

Midoriya's face fell.
"I just..." he hesitated, "I don't want them to see me differently I guess. I don't want them to coddle me or treat me like I'm fragile"
Aizawa nodded,"understood, now about your teachers..."
"I know I'll need to tell them."
"That would be for the best"
"Can you just please not tell all might" Midoriya begged.
"I guess, but is there a reason for that"
"There is, but I don't really want to talk about it right now"
"That's understandable, you've had a pretty rough day kid"
Midoriya just nodded, fighting back tears.
"I'm not sure I want to do it."
Aizawa looks at the kid confused, "do what?"
"To fight it." Midoriya's expression is deadly serious, "I don't want to die like this, I'd rather just get it over with than force everyone around me to suffer."
Aizawa is shocked. He's never seen Midoriya this hopeless. "Hey kid, don't say that. You're not hurting anyone but yourself here"

"But wouldn't it be better to just have me gone than to be constantly waiting for the moment it happens, knowing any day could be my last?"

Aizawa frowns, "Can I tell you something?"
Midoriya nods.
"When I was your age I had a friend" Aizawa pauses. "You remind me of him in a lot of ways, but this friend I had? He died. It was a training exercise. Something fell on top of him and he died on impact. For years people tried to comfort me saying it was better that he went quickly, but you know what?"
"What?" Midoriya sniffles.
"Every damn day I wish I had just a little more time with him so I could say goodbye."
Midoriya looks at Aizawa with wide eyes.
"Sir; I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know"
"No need to apologize kid, it's not something I share often. I'm telling you because I need you to know that fighting like this makes you more of a hero than you realize"
Midoriya can't help it, he leans into Aizawa's side and breaks down. Aizawa wraps him in a tight hug, and let's Midoriya cry. He knows the boy needs it. He's been keeping it inside for so long, it's time he let it out.


Later that night in the dorms Midoriya sat staring off into space.

He was alone in the corner of the dorm kitchen, his gaze distant and his thoughts consumed by the weight of his secret.

He could hear laughter wafting through the door from the common room where his friends engaged in a high stakes game of truth or dare. He couldn't find it within himself to participate, the weight of his impending doom casting a shadow over the evening's festivities.

Todoroki, ever observant, noticed Midoriya's isolation and sensed the heaviness that surrounded him. He excused himself from the game, making his way towards Midoriya's side.

"Hey, Midoriya," Todoroki spoke softly, taking a seat beside him. "Is something bothering you? You've been quiet tonight."

Midoriya mustered a weak smile, his eyes betraying the hurt within. "I... I'm fine, Todoroki. Just tired, I guess."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, "You don't have to pretend with me, Midoriya. We're friends. I can tell when something's wrong. Please, talk to me."

Before Midoriya could respond, Bakugou, who had been silently observing from a distance, stormed over to them, his expression an odd mix of annoyance and genuine worry. It seemed out of place on him, but something deku had gotten used to seeing from his childhood best friend as of late. He crossed his arms, his voice sharp. "What the hell is going on here." He glared at Todoroki. "I thought I told you to leave him alone" he growled.

Midoriya panicked, "Kacchan! It's ok really! He was just worried about me!"

"So you admit there is something to worry about" Katsuki smirked.

Midoriya's defenses went up,"It's nothing. Just leave it alone."

Bakugou's eyes burned with determination, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I'm not going to let you deal with this alone. You're my friend, dumbass. We're in this together, whether you like it or not."

Todoroki nodded, "Bakugou is right, Midoriya. We care about you. We want to help. Please, let us in."

Midoriya's resolve wavered, the weight of his secret nearly unbearable. He looked into the eyes of his friends, seeing the genuine concern and love reflected back at him. The walls he had built around himself began to crumble, and tears welled in his eyes.

"I..." he hesitated, "I'm not ok," Midoriya finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Todoroki and Bakugou waited patiently for Midoriya to continue.

"I'm sick. I'm sick and I'm not going to get better." Midoriya cried. "I'm sorry guys. I promised myself I wouldn't bring you into this"

Todoroki and Bakugou exchanged glances, the weight of Midoriya's words sinking in. Without hesitation, they both moved closer, enveloping Midoriya in a tight embrace.

"Deku," Bakugou's voice trembled slightly. "I thought I told you I cared about you damn it. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm telling you now" Midoriya shrugged.

Todoroki snuggled tighter into Midoriya trying to mask his tears, "Thank you for trusting us".

Midoriya senses Todoroki's devastation, "Hey, it's ok." He comfortingly runs his hand through Todoroki's hair.
"I'm not going anywhere right now. I still have a year or two left. It'll all be ok"
This doesn't help their heartbreak, but they know they have to stay strong for Midoriya, so they do. They decide to set up a sleepover that night, neither one really wanting to leave deku alone.

As they settle in for bed that night something unexpected happens. Midoriya collapses and starts to seize. Todoroki, who was closest to him at the time clears the area and tries his best to keep Midoriya from accidentally hurting himself while Bakugou frantically calls Aizawa.
"Bakugou Katsuki you better have a damn good reason to be calling me past school hours"
"It's deku-"
"Understood, call an ambulance. I'll be there soon"
Aizawa abruptly hangs up leaving Bakugou a bit stunned. He fights through the confusion and calls an ambulance instead. Aizawa is there moments later helping calm them both down.
As the ambulance takes Midoriya away, Aizawa drives them to the hospital to meet Midoriya there. The ride is filled with a solemn silence and a tension they just couldn't shake. This was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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