Chapter One - Michael

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Nothing good ever came from right swiping on a guy holding a fish on a dating app. Double red flags if the guys name was William.

That was my fucking dad's name, which made it tens time more embarrassing.

I should've known better, yet there I was, sitting alone at the The Pearl, England's hottest bar, and drinking a hideously amount of vodka after being stood up.

That's right.

I'd been stood up for the very first time by a fish holding William. It was enough to make a boy say fuck it and throw away sixteen pounds on one drink.

After such a hellish day, I wanted to cancel my date with William, but I'd already postponed twice, once for a rescheduled study session because FlowerBrooke just fucking hates me to bits and wants to ruin me completely and the other was just because I couldn't be asked. So I sucked it up and showed up, only to be ditched.

I was about to leave when a deep, cocky drawl sent ever hair in the back of my neck up.

"Hey, Michael Myers."

Three words. That was all that triggered me to the point I should've brought a gun with me.

When I heard his voice, my blood pressure increased.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

And today is just WONDERFUL.

My hand curled into fists before I forced myself to relax. I would not give him that satisfaction.

Noah fuck face Anderson.

All six feet of him, clad in dark jeans and a white button up shirt that was just fitted enough to show off his fake implanted muscles which are unfortunately real. He spent more time on his appearance than any Barbie doll has ever.

The worst part was, Noah was technically good looking. Thick red hair, high cheekbones, sculpted body he's basically a monument. All the things I was a sucker for, if they weren't attached to a huge ass ego bigger than any plastic ass has ever.

"Hi heart surgery." I cooed

The nickname was very stupid and random. He had red hair like blood, just say more I don't know, lighter?

Annoyance sparkled in his eyes, and I smiled. Made my day.

Noah used the name Michael Myers because he's a dickhead with no life. He only got the name because my name was Michael.

"Drinking alone?" Noah shifted his attention to the empty stools beside me.

"Or have you already scared girls off with your stupid eyes?"

He only said that cause I had huge eyes. Doe eyes I think people call it. And mine were a dark blue. So sometimes I'd get called by this fuck face, "Pacific Ocean"

"Funny you should mention scaring girls off."

Thing is, Noah didn't know I liked boys. And I'd like to keep it that way.

I eyed the woman standing besides Noah. She was gorgeous, brunette, green eyes. Too bad her taste in men was horrific.

"I see you've recovered from your dick cancer to pull another gorgeous girl, who's no where near liking you, tomato sauce."

"I don't know you, but honestly girl, you could do better."

Did Noah have dick cancer? Probably from the amount of girls he slept with the man slag.

"Thanks for the warning, but I think I'll be okay." She laughed

"Making jokes about cancer, how original."

His mouth curved into a smirk, revealing a tiny dimple on his left cheek.

I held back a snarl, I fucking hated that dimple.

"You're awfully dressed for a solo date."

Noah's eyes dipped to the black sequinned shirt hugging my torso, skimmed over the expanse black jeans shorts which I was wearing with see through tights. His eyes stopped at my black boots before meeting my blue ones. His smirk disappeared, leaving his expression more unreadable.

"You're dressed for an actual date." His pose remained casual but his eyes sharpened into dark knives ready to bully me.

"But you were about to leave, it's only five thirty."

Noah was a load of things, infuriating, cocky, the fucking spawn of Satan but I will not allow myself to tell him that I'd been stood up.

He would never let me live normally.
"Don't tell me she didn't show."

HE. HE. I don't like girls, I realized that when I were in year seven.

"You should worry less about my love life and more about your cutsie date."

"I assure you, of all things on my to do list, worrying about your clapped love life is no where near the top thousand."


I slid off my seat, intent on brushimg past him without another word.

Unfortunately, because I have a horrible life. I'd misjudged the distance between the bar stool rung and the floor. My foot slipped, and a small gasp rose in my throat when my body tilted backward of its own accord. I was two seconds away from falling on my ass when a hand shot out and gripped my wrist, pulling me back up into a standing position.

Noah and I froze at the same time, our eyes locked on where his hand encircled my wrist.

Instead of slapping him off me, I was focused on how disturbingly close he was, close enough for me to smell his cologne, which was nice and citrusy instead of fire and brimstoney like I'd expected.

"You can let go now." I willed my breaths to come out steady despite the suffocating heat.

"Before your touch gives me hives."

Noah's grip tightened for a millisecond before he dropped my arm like it was hot potato. Like the hot potato wasn't that stupid girl he was with. Who was right now flirting with the bartender.

"Your welcome for making sure you didn't break your tailbone Michael Myers."

"Don't be dramatic, heart surgery. I would've caught myself."

"Sure. God forbid your manners." His sarcasm deepened

"You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"It's better than being an ass, period."

Everyone elese looked at Noah and saw a smart, handsome, charming seventeen year old. I looked at him and saw a self righteous jerk.

"If you'll excuse me, I've exceeded my daily tolerance of your stupid presence." I fixed my shorts and flashed a brittle smile.

"Give your date my wisdom."

Before he could respond, I pushed him to the counter and quickened my pace until I hit the chilly, January air.

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