Chapter Twelve - Noah

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I'd met a fair share of douchebags but with utmost confidence the guy standing before me was the douchiest of them all.

Maybe it was his oily smile and the he slicked back his hair, like he was some sort of politician. Or maybe it was the way he leered at Michael, like he was a juicy steak and he hadn't eaten in days.
Irrational loathing replaces my earlier satisfaction at successful working Michael up.

You need someone to bend you over and fuck that attitude right out of you.

Whiskey had loosened my tongue, and Michael and Aiden's kiss had given me the final push to say what I'd been thinking. To say what we'd both beent thinking about for the past few days.

Michael could hiss and snarl a he wanted, but he couldn't hide his desire. He wanted me as much as I wanted him, and we both hated our selves for it.

What Michael didn't know was that I knew he was bisexual, I didn't say anything because I was as well.

"William." Michael packed a gallon of disdain into one word.

My mouth ticked into an involuntary smile before it flattened again.

He knew this guy?

"I thought that was you, but I wasn't sure. You look even better in person." He told his body.

My jaw tightened. I appreciated body as much as the next guy, but that was just damn rude. He hadn't looked at him in the eye since he arrived.

Part of me was grateful for the interruption, which came right as I was about to do something I was gonna regret. Another darker part of me wanted to gouge his eyes out for looking at him that way.

I rolled my glass between my fingers, disturbed by my violent, unwanted thoughts. Where the hell had they come from? Since when did I care how other men looked at Michael?

I don't. William just has a punchable face. That's all.

"You don't." Michael's voice oozed enough sweet venom to fall an elephant.

"I guess pictures can be deceiving."

This time, I couldn't hold back a grin despite my irritation.

He was savage, I fucking loved it.

If William was offended, he didn't show if. I wasn't even sure he heard him, he was too busy ogling his thighs, which showed visibly against his denim shorts.

"I'm sorry about our date the other day." He said and just like that my grin disappeared.

"My car broke down and my phone died. I texted you a few times after, but you never responded."

I pieced the puzzle before Michael could respond. This was the guy who's stood him up at The Pearl?

Jesus. Thought he had better taste than that.

"If by the other day, you mean almost a month ago then apology not accepted." Michael said coolly.

"You also never texted me, but it's okay. I suffered a massive lapse in judgement when I swiped right on you. I'm back to normal now, so you can run along." He shooed him away with a wave of his hand.

"Also, my face is up here, asshole."

"I was trying to be nice because I felt bad about what happened. You don't have to be such a bitch about it." Willam's face flushed an angry shade of purple.

A low growl rose in my throat.
I opened my mouth, but Michael beat me to it.

"As far as I can, you're the one bitching here. I'm just enjoying my drink." He arched a brow

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