Chapter Fifteen - Noah

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There were at least a dozen different types of sex.

There was sweet, sensual love making, rough, hard fucking. There was causual quickies, and emotional interludes and every shade of intimacy in between. After seventeen years on earth, I thought I'd experienced every type of sex possibile.

Until Michael.

I didn't even know what to call what we did. Sex seemed too bland and generic a description. It'd been something rawer, more primial. Something that dug deep into the nest of thorns hidden in the pits of consciousness and yanked them out for the world to see. Every shadow and jagged piece of me, laid bare.

Michael had unlocked a darker version of me than I thought myself was capable of, and now that it was out, I wasn't sure if I could ever put it back in.

It should've been terrifying, but it was liberating. The greatest high I'd ever experienced.

Michael and I hadn't spoken a word to each other before I left the other night, but days later, my need for another hit consumed me.

Mocks were over and done with, they were way to difficult. Me and Michael hadn't spoke to each other but I didn't need to talk to him to know that he was stressing out, when we were doing our history mock he was stopping every two minutes because of hand cramps. But normally he could write for decades, meaning something was up. He also kept wearing sleeved clothing, which was odd. But I didn't budge. I was too distracted by thoughts of Michael than actually talking to him.

He found out I was actually bisexual, the same as him, he's still in that shock.
But fuck, it felt right to tell him. Like some part of me, wanted him to know. So he knew we could have a chance.

What would Maisie say if she knew I'd slept with her best friend? Nothing good I bet. She was fiercely protective over Michael, like he was her child and she knew Michael and u mixed as well as oil and water.

Except from in bed, apparently.

Eventually, I was bored out my mind. It was too late at night to go for a walk, my parents would be drunk downstairs so I can't do that, studying sounds boring as well now that there's no point.

Or you can see Michael again.

His phone number stood out in my contacts. We only kept each other's phone numbers to text who got a higher score in tests. Nothing more. Unfortunately.

My teeth clenched. Christ, what was wrong with me? It'd been a fuck. A great one, but a fuck nonetheless. I shouldn't be this obsessive about it after one night together.

I scrolled on my phone trying to find someone who wasn't annoying that I could text determined to erase a certain brunette from my mind.

It didn't work.

Everyone's fucking useless.

Everytime I saw a waterfall, I pictured fucking Michael under it.

Every time I saw a restaurant, I pictured us eating there together like a goddamn couple.

Everytime I saw a hike, I pictured.. Well, you got the idea.

There was only one way to get Michael off my mind. I didn't like it, but it was the only solution I had.

I snuck out and ran two miles to Michael's street. I headed straight for his house which was at the other side of the street. Was what I was about for a bad idea? Probably. But I'd take a bad idea over having him live rent free in my head for God knows how long.

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