Chapter Sixteen - Michael

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The revision guides definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

My definition of insanity was entering into a sexual arrangement with Noah Anderson.

I blamed my hormones and secondary school. If I weren't so busy, I wouldn't have to resort to sleeping with the enemy. Literally.

We hadn't had sex since our pact last week, but it would happen eventually. I was already getting antsy thinking about it. My vibrators and other random sex toys were fine when they were all I had, but now that regular and, as much as I hate to admit, great sex was an option, my body was screaming at me  to make up for years of orgasms lost during GCSE season.

I tried to ignore the persistent buzz beneath my skin as Aiden, Maisie, Finn and I entered Hyacinth, a hot new club that opened up a few miles away from flowerbrooke.

I would not think about him tonight, not around Maisie. That was just wrong.

Plus, I was paranoid she'd developed mutuant mind reading powers and could tell I was thinking about my enemy.

My phone buzzed with a new text.
Annoyance and anticipation swirled in my chest when I saw who it was.

Noah 🔥🔥
Tonight, midnight.

We'd agreed to keep our communication short, to the point, and vague enough that if anyone saw them, wrong could explain them away with a creative excuse. His text met all three criterias, but still.

What happened to a good old fashioned, hey, how are you? First?

Can't I'm busy

Noah 🔥 🔥
Too busy for an orgasm?

Your fragile ego can't take a postponement?

For once, Noah ignored the bait.

Noah 🔥🔥
Tomorrow, ten pm, my place.

Ps: your going to pay for the fragile ego comment.

My breath hitched, and I was in the middle of typing out a reply when I heard my name, loud and clear, over the pounding music.


I froze, ice trickling through my veins at the sound of that voice.

It couldn't be him. I was in England. How could he have found me, in this club tonight?

My mind was playing tricks on me, it had to be.

But when I raised my head, my eyes confirmed what my brain wanted to deny.

Black hair. Green eyes. Cleft chin.

No. Panic clawed up my throat, rendering me mute.

"Hey, M." Harvey smiled, the sight more menacing that reassuring

"Long time no see."

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