Chapter Eleven - Michael

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"Since you lot are soo boring, let's play truth or dare." Maisie cups her chin in my palms

We were at the club, obviously with fake ids, Noah tagged along with Aiden who only came for Maisie.

"I'm down." Noah says

I nod and Aiden nods as well. He sat oddly close to me, probably because there were girls making him uncomfortable. Most people liked being close around me, apparently cause I made them feel safe, I liked that at least.

Loved the attention.

To piss me off, Maisie chose Noah for the first round.

"Truth or dare?" She asked


"What's going on between you and Violet?" Maisie asked

"She's cheated on me but I've made a plan."

"What's the plan?" I raised an eyebrow

"Gonna cheat on her back, that's why I haven't dumped her yet." He smirked

Of course.

"Found anyone?" Maisie asked

"Nope. But, Violet is joining FlowerBrooke, fancy peeing her off when she joins?" He fixes his hair smirking still

"One hundred percent." Maisie and I said in unison giggling right after
Aiden although, kept his same dull expression. While staring at Maisie of course.

I shifted in my seat so Aiden had a bit more room, and the vinyl releases an embarrassing squeak when my thighs unstuck from the material. Noah flicked his eyes in my direction, his amusement visibly deepened.

Why would he stare at me when my thighs made that stupid noise but not at Maisie with her cleavage showing?

"Michael." Noah shifted his gaze to me.
Fucks sake.

I straightened in anticipation.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I answered with our hesitation

"I dare you to kiss Aiden for thirty seconds." A slow smile spread across his face

I recognized the satisfied gleam in his eyes, he expected me to back down.

Too bad for him, I'd never back down from a dare in my whole life.

I kept my gaze on his as I learned forward, closing the distance between us inch by agonizing inch until his smile slipped and heat flared in his eyes.

I waited until our faces were only inches apart before I swerved abruptly and kissed a startled Aiden instead.

Aiden was blonde. No where near my type. But he was an alright kisser, more better for Maisie than me.

I eyed Maisie, who eyed him with a smidge more interest than before.

Like she was jealous.

Good, maybe she'll finally ditch Finn the fish.

I hid a smile, the best way to spark a women's interest was a little competition

"I believe that was thirty seconds?" I directed my question to Noah, who responded with cool.

"More than thirty. You must've been really into it."

"Well, Aiden's a good kisser." I toyed with my now empty glass

I wanted to go stab myself.

"I'll take your word for it." He flicked his eyes at Aiden

"Aiden, my man. your turn."

We played three more rounds before both Maisie and Aiden left.

And then there were two.

"Nice show you put on with Aiden earlier."

"I have no idea what your on about."

"Don't play dumb. It's unbecoming."

"I'm not. You think I wouldn't have kissed Aiden of my accord just because he doesn't have a perfect face and a six pack?" I shot Noah a pointed stare

"Looks aren't everything. At least Aiden's sweet."

"You don't want or need sweet, trouble. It'll bore you to death." His smile took a hard slant

"Oh really?" My voice dripped with poisonous honey.

"Then please, pray tell, what do I want and need? Since you know me so well."

Noah leaned forward until his mouth hovered near my ear. My heart rumbled so loud in my chest I would've missed his reply if his voice hadn't poured into me like dark silk, dangerous yet seductive.

"You want someone who can challenge you. Excite you. Keep you on your toes. And as for what you need.." His whiskey scented breath busted across my skin, peppering it with a thousand goosebumps.

"You need someone to bend you over and fuck that attitude right out of you."

My reaction was instantaneous.

"You think Aiden can do that?" Noah's voice wrapped around me like a velvet embrace

"Fuck you the way you need?"

"And you can?" I managed.

Oxygen. I need oxygen.

"Keep dreaming."

"I wasn't offering." Noah's hand grazed my knee for a millisecond, just long enough to set my body a flame

"But it's nice to know that's where your mind went."

I was saved from having to formulate a witty response in my current light headed situation when someone cut into our conversation.


The unfamiliar voice had the same effect you'd receive if your enemy poured freezing cold water on you.
I jerked back, heart pounding while Noah took his time resettling in his seat with a dark, satisfied smile.

That fucking bastard.

The man fixed me with an expectant stare, which I returned with a blank one of my own until my memory slotted into place and recognition dawned.

It was William. The guy who stood me up weeks ago.

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