Chapter Fourteen - Michael

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Shock glued my feet to the floor. If suspected this would happen, that I would push Noah past his breaking point. I'd goaded him into it, after all.

But fuck, wasn't this kid straight?

Why was he kissing a boy? More likely his enemy?

"Your straight, you shouldn't be doing this." I panted.

"Who said?" He raised an eyebrow before kissing me again

Now that it was happening, I couldn't formulate what to even do. No words, no movements, just utter disbelief and dark, disturbing heat that raced through my veins like wildfire.

The warmth for earlier had erupted into a full blown volcano, dripping lava until every nerve ending blazed with sensation. My heart thundered with the force of a thousand galloping horses, and the pounding spread until it throbbed in every part of me, my head, my throat, the suddenly, agonizingly sensitive spot between my legs.

Noah curled his hand around the back of my neck, holding me captive while he plundered my mouth.

He kissed the way we fought. Hard. Rough. Explosive.

I hated how much I loved it.

That means he knew I was gay, and secretly he was.

What the fuck.

I regained control of my limbs and raised my hands to push him away, but to my surprise, I fisted his shirt instead. I gathered handfuls of the white cotton and yanking him closer until we were pressed so tight against each other I wasn't sure where I ended and where he began.

A small moan escaped when Noah shifted his hips just enough so his hardness rubbed against mine.

"Can't get enough of me, can you?" His mocking whisper ghosted over my lips, it's softness a sharp contrast to the force with which he tugged on my hair.

Tears sprang my eyes at the flash of pain. The throbbing of my lower belly intensified.

"Fuck you." I hissed.

"I already know that's what you want, trouble." He closed his teeth around my bottom lip and tugged hard enough to send another twin frisson of pain and pleasure spiraling through my body.

"No need to beg for it."

A low growl rose in my throat. I finally shoved him off me, my heart racing and my lips and my dick throbbing in equal measure.

"I will never beg for you for anything."

Noah wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, the movement so slow and deliberate it became more sexual than it should've been. A flush of arousal coloured his high cheekbones, and the intensity of his gaze as he dragged it over my face to where my coat taped open seared into my flesh.

"Don't be too sure about that." The embers in his eyes burned brighter.

"Let's make another bet, trouble. I bet if I bent you over and yanked away those little shorts of yours, I'd find you soaking for me. And I bet I could have you begging for my cock, for me to make you come so hard you'll see fucking stars before the night is over."

My teeth clenched in aggravation, I hated his ego, his arrogant smirk, his everything. And yet, I was so wet I could feel myself dripping at the images his filthy words conjured.

"Nice try, heart surgery, but I'm not taking the bait."

It was the coward's way out, but I was one touch away from detonating, and I refused to give Noah the satisfaction of being the one to press the button.

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