Chapter Ten - Michael

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I woke up to the faint smell of lavender and a heavy weight of a muscled arm draped over my waist. I couldn't remember the last time I slept in the same bed as a guy, I usually didn't do sleepovers.

The arm was nice, though. Strong. Solid. And comforting like it could protect me from anything, and it belonged to someone who smelled amazing.

I issued a soft sigh of contentment and snuggled closer to the owner of the arm. I kept my eyes closed. I wasn't quite ready to leave this comforting best and face reality.

The arm tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to him until my back pressed flush against his torso. My lips curved on their own accord when he let out a drowsy masculine rumble and buried his face in my neck.

Meanwhile, heat bloomed low in my stomach at the way the hard, sculpted lines of his body molded against my soft ones.

Who was he? Did we have sex?

I stretched and grazed something soft and fluffy. I cracked one eye open out of curiosity and spotted a folded hand towel on the bed next to me.

What was I doing with a towe-

Skiving. Noah. Throwing up. Music. Noah. Massage.

My brain finally woke up, and the highlights from yesterday bombarded me at breakneck speed.

If Noah was with me that means the arm..

I screamed and threw him off and scrambled out of the bed, banging my shim against the nighstand the lamp fell and smashed.

One day, I would look back and wince at my undignified scream, but all I could think about was the fact I slept with Noah Anderson. Only literally, thank god. But still.

"Jesus." He groaned and covered his eyes with his forearm.

The sheets slipped down, revealing his bare, muscled chest.

"It's too early for your banshee impressions, trouble."

My breaths puffed out in a rapid indignation.

"You were cuddling me." I accused

"And you don't have a shirt on."

I forced my eyes to stay on his face instead of the way his muscles flexed with each movement. Lean and powerful, they were the muscles of someone who honed them through sports and the outdoors, not the gym.
Broad shoulders, defined pecs, a silver if his six pack abs peeking out from the rumpled sheet around his waist..

Stop it.

"You were warm and there. It was instinct."

"Where even am I?" I raised an eyebrow

He but my bottom lip in an oddly attractive way.

"My house, my room." He tucked some of his hair behind his ear.

What the fuck.

"You took me to your house."

"You fell asleep on me it was the only thing I could think of doing." Noah yawned and stretched his arms above his head.

"That's so fucking weird."

"It's nice to see you alive, I guess. You were barely functioning properly yesterday."

Despite his blase tone, he scanned me with sharp eyes, like he was searching for traces of my discomfort from last night.

Luckily, the first day of me being ill was bad but after I was able to function, slightly.

"Yes, well, you can't get rid of me that easily." Some of the aggravation left my voice when I remembered what he did for me in music. I didn't know whether it was his technique or the mere fact of having someone to comfort me, since I usually hated being around people when I get ill, but his massage had eased my pain more than anything else I'd tried over the years. He must've made the hot towel compress after I passed out and he took me home.

He didn't have to, but for some reason, he did.

"Thank you." My gratitude came out equal parts grudging and sincere.

"For you.. Know." I gestured to my stomach.

I waited for Noah to gloat over my thank you the first I'd ever given him.

"Your welcome." He replied softly in a tone that sent butterflies to my stomach.

Silence hummed between us. I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, suddenly self conscious. I was bloated as well from my sickness, and I must've looked like a mess with my face all groggy and my hair mussed from sleep.

Instead of looking away, Noah atarad at me with an intensity that burrowed beneath my skin and kindled a fire low in my stomach, similar to the one that'd burned through me before I fell asleep during music.

I'd been floating on the verge of unconsciousness, but the combination of his strong hands, warm eyes and the relief over my eased pain had sent my fantasies travelling down untrodden paths. Fantasies of what his touch would feel like on other parts of my body and whether his tongue was as talented as his hands..

A knock startled me out of my inappropriate musings. Mrs Anderson's voice floated through the thick oak door.

Noah and I tore our eyes wwya from each other. The visable tension in his shoulders matched the rigdity of my muscles.

"You guys up? School started two hours ago."

My gaze shot to the clock on the wall. Shit. We'd slept in later than I thought.

"Yeah." He said

"Michael's still ill, i'll stay off to look after him."

Was this kid really acting like I was asleep?

Noah and I didn't speak again while we for ready. I had to wear his clothes since I didn't have any of my own clothes other than my uniform an dmy dirty pe kit in my school bag.

He pulled down a dark blue sweater and grey sweatpants and threw them at me.

"Wear it. You need to stay warm."

"I should go to school though."

"And allow you to get that ill again? What if you faint in the middle of nowhere? No way."

"How are you feeling?" Mrs Anderson asked as she handed me a plate of food.

"Much better." Thanks to your son.

"Thank you."

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