Chapter Six - Noah

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Why was I so angry at a birthday party? Because a dumb brunette who dresses like a whore is here and so is my ex best friend.

What Finn didn't know was that me and Maisie used to go out, lasted about a week. Which is why I hadn't told anyone cause well it's embarrassing. She swore not to say a word about it either.

Why did we break up? We realized we weren't meant for each other.

Instead of mourning about it, I moved on. I got up off the table, no point making a face in front of Finn, only makes his life better.

Finn was rich, but not as rich as me and Michael. Yet he made it a big deal which is why people liked him more, one thing about me and Michael that we had in common was that we both disliked him.

"One tequila shot. Make it a double."

I needed something stronger than whiskey if I was gonna leave this party in one piece.

"Trouble in bromance land?" The silky purr sent irration down my spine.

"Beat it, Michael Myers, I'm not in the mood." I didn't turn to look at him to know it was him, he was easy to spot from the corner of my eye.

"Your nicknaming skills aren't good, period blood."

"Your just physically describing me as anything that's red."

"Period blood isn't always red, even I know that, ass licker. You do smell like it though."

Michael rudely leaned over me.

"I'll have a sex on the beach, if that's not too much to ask for." A grin appeared on his smug face along with a wink.

"Nothing's too much for a pretty boy like you."

That line was so corny, I was put off from the rest of my tequila.

"Thank you." His smile widened

Michael dragged a bar stool up next to me, cupping his face in his hands and stared at me, trying not to laugh.

"Slumming already?" I tsked in disappointment

"I expected better from you."

"Why? Because he's a bartender and not some fire extinguisher?" Michael arched an eyebrow

"Your snobbery is showing."

"No. Because his lines are so dumb even a five year old would understand he was flirting." I tossed back my shot and didn't bother with the chaser.

"But hey, whatever floats your boat."

"Don't try to deflect from your own failed relationship."

"Mine and Violet's relationship is going well, actually."

"I'm taking about Finn." Michael received his drink from the bartender with a  flirty smile before turning back to me.

"I remember when you two were practically joined by the hip."

A stone fist squeezed my chest, but I kept my tone light.

"Didn't realize you were so interested in my personal life, Michael Myers."

"I'm not, unless it happens to affect my personal quality of life." Michael took a sip of his cocktail

"Easy for you to say." God, I needed another drink.

"Come back to me when you've been betrayed by someone close to you."

"How do you know I haven't already?" Something dark flickered in Michael's eyes.

I stilled.

How do you know I haven't already?

I didn't know much about Michael's past. Hell, I didn't even know much about him except what he showed people.

But I did know that one sentence he'd just uttered rang truer than anything else I've heard in years.

My gaze locked Michael's, whose wide eyes and slightly parted lips revealed his surprise at the words that'd just left his mouth.

I swallowed the urge to ask what happened, while the air thickened with not camaraderies, exactly, but a hint of understanding that eased something in my chest.

We didn't have the type of relationship where we discussed our problems with each other. And I doubt Michael would answer my question, he's got some serious vulnerability.

He straightened, a shutter falling over his face and erasing all traces of previous softness.

With that, he swanned off, his hips swaying and his head held high.

A low growl rose in my throat before I caught myself. There was no use wasting energy fuming over him.

I shifted my attention back to the bartender, eager to order another shot, only to find him staring at a certain spot on the dance floor with a besotted expression.

No, not spot. Person.

Michael raised his arms over his head and rolled his hips to the music in a way every man drooled over him. He looked over his shoulder and winked at the bartender before shooting me a smug stare.

I did the most mature thing I could think off. I flipped him off.

He laughed, his expression growing smugger, before he turned his back on me.

"He's so hot." The bartender's eyes glinted in a way that sharpeneed my already raised hackles.

"Please tell me he's single."

"He's not." I masked my irritation with a tight smile.

"By who?"

"By me."

"Oh." The bartender's eyes widened before he quickly scurried away.

I probably shouldn't have said he was dating me. I would never.

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