Chapter Eighteen - Michael

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My knees weakened with relief. I never thought I'd be welcomed by the sound of that voice, but in that moment, I could build a shrine and worship at it's altar.

I looked over Harvery's shoulder, oxygen creeping back into my lungs at the sight of Noah's tousled hair and lean, powerful frame.

"Noah." I breathed his name like it was my salvation.

In a way, it was.

Harvery's eyes sharpened before he dropped his hand and turned, giving Noah a polite nod that the other man didn't return.

"Not interrupting, I was merely saying hi to an old friend." Curiosity touched his gaze as it flicked between us, but he didn't address Noah further.

"Good seeing you, M. Remember.." He tapped his phone with a smug smile and walked away.

I waited until he disappeared around the corner before I slumped against the wall, my heart racing and my dinner threatening to make an ugly reappearance.

Noah crossed the distance between us and gripped my arms.

He swept his eyes over my face, concern etching tiny grooves in his brow.

"You look like you're about to throw up."

"That's my natural reaction whenever I see you." I forced a smile.

The insult fell flat without the conviction to back it up. In truth, I wanted to bury myself in Noah's chest and pretend the last past half an hour never happened. He wasn't my friend, but he was a pillar of stability in a world that had suddenly flipped on it's axis.

He didn't bother acknowledging my pitiful attempt at snark.

"Was he hurting you?" A dark current rippled beneath his voice and warmed my icy skin.

"No." Not physically anyways.

"Like he said.. He's.. Someone I used to know. We were catching up."

I couldn't let anyone know the truth about Harvery or my past. Noah already thought the worst of me. I didn't want to imagine his reaction if he found out I used to be a thief.

"In the biblical sense?" The current went from dark to pitch black.

"Careful, Noah." I warned, ignoring the small flutter in my chest despite everything that'd happen.

"Or I'll think your jealous."

"I don't get jealous." A harsh smile carved his mouth.

"There's a first time for everything." I straightened, basking Noah's concern more than I should've.

"What are you doing here, anyways?"

"For the same reason as you, as I imagine." He said sardonically.

"I wanted to check out the club, but I wasn't feeling it and was about to leave when I saw you."

"Right." We were near the exit, so that made sense.

"You said you were busy tonight." Noah leaned his forearm against the wall above my head. His eyes pierced mine.

"I am." I pasted on an impudent smile.

"Or maybe I just didn't want to see you. I guess you'll never know."

"You trying to provoke me, trouble?" His dark warning snaked through me.


"I only provoke people I care about." I blinked up at him, the picture of innocence.

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