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I hung up in the middle not wanting to listen to his stupid conversation. And made my way to the office.

"Raphael!" I shout, and he promptly enters my private cabin on the top floor of the office.

"What crawled into your pants, man?" he tuts.

"Who was it?" I point, demanding answers.

"The Italians. It's all sorted. I tracked the location, and our men are surrounding the place right now. All the information is in your mail," he says, gesturing towards the computers.

"How did it happen? It was a very secretive deal. How did it get revealed to any of the members?" I inquire.

"Looks like a traitor, chief. It was a private access, as per my info. All tracks were clear, as if the person had vanished. But there was one hidden cam still on under the desk. We could track them with that," Raphael explains.

"Check the outer area cam, Raphael. It has night vision in case they trade at night. But it will be a huge loss if we don't get a grip on this," anger gushes through me. Raphael leaves to carry out the task.

I needed this chapter to close soon, so I could go back to my safe haven and unleash my frustration in a more controlled manner. It feels like she is the new outlet for my anger and frustration, a way to release them in a somewhat sane manner.

It takes a few hours to track them, but they haven't vanished from the face of the earth. One mistake, and they could end up in my basement. However, we still don't have the clue. They are merely pawns in someone else's play.

A day has passed since I received the information that the Russians have seized the weapons and set the warehouse ablaze. I had grown complacent, failing to take necessary precautions, and it seems they are resorting to underhanded tactics to bring me down. However, they lack the cunning to outplay me, and I can see my minions turning on them, revealing crucial information.

I smirk at the man tied down in my basement; they appear terrified as Dain inflicts some torture on them. Although Dain seems to be taking it easy, I've witnessed people begging for death in this very basement. Another punch lands on the men, and their teeth are violently knocked out. I hear a satisfied cry, but Dain has already extracted most of the information we needed, leading us to the culprits.

I have strategically fortified all my warehouses with security measures to counter such tactics from my rivals. The night vision cameras were ostensibly for distracting my business workers, but the real plan involved sending Raphael to inspect our main goods being transported that night. He gave me a knowing look, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, and left the office. In my line of business, trust is a rare commodity, and Raphael is the only one I can rely on to handle such matters.

The weapon lose is nothing for me right as i am satisfied that my real feeds are out of their way and reached to the dealer but this game whomever is playing on fire i have to check the cam and after some time after checking i got the culprit

Raphael has sent the cam footage, and I immediately identify the culprit by the thick Italian accent. He is an underworld boss who has been shadowing me for ages. Recently, he got wind of the rivalry between me and my biggest enemy, David Rodriguez, and took advantage of it, thinking I would be an easy target. He's imitating David, but the bastard doesn't have a clue that we have a truce of rivals. The agreement explicitly states that they can't take any action in my territory, meaning he doesn't know who I am.



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