Sixty four

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Amelie daisy pov:

"Ame think about it what your doing and why your doing..."

"If you like it then i suppose you deserve happiness in your life.. you fight until you feel free."

"I'll be happier if you're with me."

"Just consider it, and you could have a better life with someone. who understands you better and give you life which you deserve"

''amelie.. you have the brightest future ahead..''

i snap out of my thoughts when my phone rang.. its my manager, 

"Yes," I replied. "Ma'am, the plan has failed. They discovered the clue and diverted the weapon onto a different path without anyone noticing."

Anger surged through my veins. This was my third attempt to take down Salvator's company, and yet he remained unyielding. He's the biggest rival of my business in the underworld. If I could just bring him down, my path would be as clear as crystal. First, his bodyguard fell, then his brother, and now... what?

"What's the cause this time?" My anger was palpable in my voice. I could hear my manager's sharp breaths as he searched for soothing words.

"Just speak up, you idiot," I snapped.

"Ma'am, the information we received was incomplete. According to our intel, the weapon was supposed to be in a warehouse, ready to ship within the hour. But in reality, the shipment happened hours ago... We're left with empty hands to burn." As soon as his words sank in, I hurled the phone against the wall in a fit of rage.

 how could this go wrong.....

this suppose to be a proper attempt now everything is ruined, thanks to my luck and mind that i used the third grade operator to make the deal and transport the remaining to Russia making it looks more like an old revenge which i know who is the biggest enemy of salvator

In the worst-case scenario, even if he gets caught, he won't have a clue who he's been working for. Money seals every mouth.

Thinking about everything that was going on, something clicked in my mind. I grabbed the office phone and dialed my assistant's number.

"Who betrayed us?... Burn them alive for feeding us false information!" I ordered in rage. My mind was restless. I was about to hang up the call when my assistant spoke.

''ma'am. sorry to disturb you but there is something which needed your attention.''my assistants voice timid and unsure.

"Speak up quickly, I don't have all day to be on the line with you," I snapped, ready to disregard whatever blunt news he had. There was nothing more important than finding the culprit.

"Uh, yes ma'am, it's about July, ma'am..." My attention snapped towards my assistant as soon as she mentioned July's name.

I stood up from my chair, my shock evident. There must be something serious if she's bringing up July during work hours.

"What happened to her?!" I yelled into the phone, my voice filled with shock.

"She's been missing for a few days," her voice came through the phone, timid and scared.

"For a few days, and now you're telling me? What was I paying you for?!" I yelled at her in frustration.

"You're fired! Get out of my property soon, unless I change my mind and decide to kill you in cold blood," my frustration dripped from every word.

"I know where she is, but she never goes missing for days. I know her; she's stubborn. This has to do with Salvator. She's been obsessed with Salvator's girl," I muttered, piecing together the puzzle in my mind.

I quickly grabbed my car keys, ready to speed off.

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