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author's POV; 

salvator yank the mans hand from violates neck and violate immediately wrap her arms around Salvator a familiar protective urge rush through his body and he punched the man in his guts making him whine on ground.. 

salvator looks in his arm, his sweet little sweetheart was a crying mess and begging for help his heart clutch's at the scene she was begging for help and holding him for her dear life. she was scared but her words voice like she has gone through this before, is she know this man.

before salvator hold violate in his arm the man launching him to get violate. and salvator moved voilate and tackle him to ground. his anger was at the peak he can kill the man in his hold but he decided not to.

the man was not a proffional fighter but salvator was he can tackle him easily and he did, salvator pressed his arm t his throat and knocked him out in seconds and with voices the guards approched and got the man salvator order to get the man in his basement.

before leaving to check violate he saw a needle on the ground and picked it and order to send this to test. salvator picked violates unconscious body in his arm. his heart beating fast. fear of loosing her grow as he saw her eyes closed, and her breathing slower.


''Mr. Sinclair, she is stable; it's just the aftereffects of shock. She should regain consciousness within a few hours.'' the doctor assure salvator and he took her to his limo. salvator calls his man to get all the information regarding this man scan the area how he got the access in private place.

 salvator had a little doubt on someone but he want to be assure and get the proof before pointing or attacking.

salvator sitting in car holding violate in his arm when he felt her body's temperature getting high and she is shaking furiously. he never saw anything like this to anyone. he tried to woke her up but failed. he was scared of loosing her, and wanted to talk to her. a small whimper escape from her mouth as she tried to open her eyes but its like her own body is betraying her she is struggling with her own body. Tears flowing. Despite of her thrashing he holds her firmly trying not to hurt her more..

 finally her eyes are open she looks at him and her anxiety and depression kicks in she forgot who is she and what she is doing she imagine J is holding her and soothing her. caressing her. 

her eyes blur and she cried her heart out in his arm imagining her bestie J...and mumble things like keep me safe. no one protects me.. I'm not good enough..

His anger surged, his grip tightening around her, causing her to whimper. Yet, her eyes remained so innocent, triggering a rush of guilt within him. she talked about an hour in his arm thinking its her friend.

he lyed her on his bed and made drink for himself, when raphael called him to check.

''hello salvator, what happen is she ok, look i am sorry its bad idea taking her with you.''raphael blurt out in guilt.

he has a soft corner for violate just because she can be good for his friend.. 

''she is fine dickhead stop rumbling like a kid.'' salvator scawl at raphael..

''oh thank god she is fine.'' he sighed.''she is asking her friend raphael and im keeping up tight .'' salvator greeted teeth. 

''look she was with her more then year its normal for her to react on this , ill check what we can do but be her side sooth her and more like.. show her who you are man.'' Raphael released a breath of relief after saying this thing to salvator. he never thought he would say this to him one day but he is happy that salvator finally got someone..

after some silence Raphael spoke. 'she is the one can't leave her. be for her man, '' salvator realise his hint and took deep breath as he look violates sleeping in his bed. 

after commanding him to check on everything he hang up and sat Infront of her admiring her face caressing her cheek, 

''what happen to you sweetheart, ill keep you safe baby.'' 

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