Sixty three

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authers pov;

"Violate, there are so many things you don't know... let's keep it simple," Salvator said calmly.

oh please you know very well that nothing is simple in our world...all though violate can be a good sport for your business's"j winks at salvator, salvator jaw clench at her words.. 

Violate reluctantly releases her grip on Salvator, her body going limp. She never anticipated becoming the prey of a dangerous predator, yet here she stands, having unwittingly forged a friendship with someone who now manipulates her. Trusting the very person who inflicts harm upon her proves to be her greatest mistake, and the shock of this realization overwhelms her

"I can't believe you'd say that... you're my best friend," Violate sobbed, dropping to her knees.

"I never saw you as just a friend, I wanted more, but you chose to betray me... How could you, Violate? You became his pawn and decided to abandon me. Do you even realize how much I've endured for you? I left my mother, the person I love most, behind just to be with you, and you..." her laughter was unstable, the mocking tone piercingly hurtful.

"I never asked you to do anything like that for me... I didn't even know you back then, yet you decided to barge into my life," Violate yelled at her, frustration and anger evident in her voice.

"You ungrateful bitch," J sneered as she advanced towards Violate. She instinctively scooted away, but Salvator intervened, swiftly pulling her close to his chest with his large hand.

"Don't you dare, Jule. If you love your life, you'll keep your distance," Salvator growled at J, his tone laced with menace. Fear engulfed J as she took a step back, feared by Salvator's warning.

oh so your defending mode.. ok i can relate after all she has beautiful body, perfect to be your toy.''j mocks at salvator ''you know salvator you and i relate to something... violates body.''she licks her lips looking at violate.

Salvator's grip on Violate tightened, his eyes flashing with a mixture of protectiveness and warning. "Don't you dare," he spat at J, his voice low and dangerous. "Violate is not something we relate to. She's a human, and she deserves respect."

''certenly she is person and deserve respect, but you did the same thing as i did just to fuck her..''

Salvator's jaw clenched, his gaze hardening as he stared down J. "I never treated her as you did. And if you have any sense left, you'll leave now before I do something we'll both regret," he replied, his voice cold and filled with quiet anger.

''admit it you did the same thing as i did just to cage her .'' j yell at salvator

Salvator's gaze hardened, his frustration boiling beneath the surface. "I will never stoop to your level, J," he replied firmly, his voice laced with conviction. "Unlike you, I have no interest in using or exploiting Violate. She deserves better than that, and I won't allow you—or anyone else—to tarnish her dignity." late for this pep talk..dont you think?'' j looks at violate who was shock not understanding what she could do.. shame and regrate engulfing her..

As J glanced at Violate, who stood in shock, her mind raced with confusion and regret. The ticking of the clock echoed loudly in the tense silence, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Time was slipping away, and Violate found herself overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, unsure of how to navigate the turmoil surrounding her.

"How could you do this to me, J? I don't understand anything... What have you done? Why betray me like this, and what's going to happen to me?" Violate's voice cracked with emotion, her words harsh and strained as tears welled in her eyes. She didn't even recognize her own voice anymore, consumed by the overwhelming sense of betrayal and confusion.

Salvator's voice cut through the tension, dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure your dear J here will provide all the answers," he remarked, his tone mocking and disdainful.

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