Sixty eight

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violate grab her head when pain shoot on her head. she about t feel numbness when a loud thud makes her flinch. she got out of her trance and looked around to see salvator is looking at her and the loud noise was his gun dropping on floor. 

he looked at her as if he knows what's going in her head, he knows her body but mind as well. 

as time passes j smirk at violate she used to be so naïve and scared but she has to strong now that her life is at stake she has to be strong she looked around to see a new face. the person she would least expect.

j was about to take a gun which was on floor when ray grab her hand and smack on her face making her land on her ass, making her groan in pain.

''oh hi violate missed me darling...''a hint of excitement and little of nervousness was visible on ray's voice, she knows that violate built friendship with her while salvator was not around..voilate gasp at her smack on j's face

''how...why. who are you.'' she was trying to find words which was stuck in her throat, she was shock with another reason in her life.. 

ray looked at salvator and salvator just nod his head to tell her the truth.. ray took a step towards violate when violate step back instinctively. she was broken and now she is not in a state where she can trust anyone with her. ray understood and smile at her sadly and nod at her.

''hi.. um.i mean no harm violate .'' she raise her hands in the air, smiling sadly. she knows how much she has been broke by j and salvator she didn't wanted to be part of salvator's plan but when she looked at violate her innocent face made her do this..

''i don't trust anybody...''her voice broke with tears..

''you shouldn't violate but i truly mean no harm to you..'' ray said. picking the gun from floor. violate looked scared when she picked the gun, salvator looked at her and took the gun from rays hand.. ray raised a eyebrow at him and looked at Raphael. he shrugged at her that made her smirk at him.

''who are you..'' violate asks with hesitation that she knows ray from office and hoping silently that she is that carefree ray which used to be her friend... they used to share lunch and an easy office hours.

''oh come on violate don't behave like you don't know me i m the ray..'' she says while slaying her hair,

I'm blind by so many things lately its little uncomfortable and obvious that the ray which i know must be fake or just the hallucination to trap me, Cheers to navigating the maze of your mind'' violate answer, salvator closed his eyes he can see the changes which has been happening in violates personality.

Salvator understood that if Violate lost her sanity, she might never return to the person he adored. He felt a mix of fear, adoration, and vulnerability, realizing just how fragile she truly was.yes she learnt what he wanted her to be but now she cant feel the thing which was her power before. she has already lost it and he cant help it in. he only can give her comfort which he tried on his level....

rapheal notices salvator's worried eyes and spoke to him in slow tone.

''dont tell me she has Blair blood running in her vain with that pity replies she is giving.'' rapheal says looking at violate. when salvator glare at him to comment on this tricky situation..

Raphael grins at him a nervous grin and moved back to his place..

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