Forty seven

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''the Blair's , father's closest business family.'' realization hit me like thunderstorm.

''yes the Blair's i don't have concrete proof of what happen to the family but the raw data says it was a murder plot against the family and no one knows where the only Blair's beloved daughter disappear and never be seen, and it seems like this girl J has to be in it, 'Raphael said in uneven tone as worry engulfed his forehead..

"We need to catch J before it's too late," he said urgently. I shook my head, surprised by this sudden revelation.

we hurried to the car and drove to violates house, hundreds of thoughts running in my, this is the reason she was familiar to me?. what has happen with her ? does she know her father or mother? does she remember me?...

i push back my thoughts and look at his direction when he groan in frustration.

''she is physio salvator .''he passed the phone to check .she was showing the injection on the cam like a physio were violate is suffering on floor, what is she? rage took over my veins and i bang my wrist on the straining wheel.

she is going to give the injecion to her.. no no no 

'no'' i scream and got out the car when we reach to the house.. i kicked the door flying open, as i look at the scene in front of me violate is stable her body is relaxed and she is laying on the floor.

tears simmering on my eyes. for the first time my cheeks wet looking at her relaxed. her eyes relaxed glued to ceiling, as if she had forgotten everything what happened 1 hour ago. i looked at the chair. j is sitting on her chair. shit eating grin on her face. oh hell im going to enjoy every drop of her blood in my hand. ill make sure she feel every scream leaving her throat and beg for death..

a step closer to violate her eyes are open but not conscious. she is mentally absent. i failed her she took the needle, i failed her... 

''violate'' my vioce is merely a whisper . she looks at me with blank eyes and sighs .sat streight not bothering anything blank.

''chief ill give you your money as per contract if thats what your here, please leave me.''hr voice blank no emotion as if robort speaking.

Before I could say anything, I smelled something strange in the air, like something was leaking. I glanced around and saw that the house seemed like it could collapse at any moment. I quickly scooped up Violate in my arms and nodded to Raphael. He grabbed J's arm, and I could hear her swearing loudly. Violate leaned against my chest, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

Halfway through the door, I heard a clicking sound coming from the kitchen. I instinctively crouched down just as we rushed out of the house. Suddenly, the house exploded, sending us flying onto the road. Despite the chaos, I held Violate tightly in my arms, shielding her from the smoke that filled the area. I tighten my arms around her.''i never let anything happen to you violate''

she is safe.. she is safe... my brain ticking...i look down on my arms violates forehead nose bleeding but her breathing was steady. her body was limb in my hold. i got into my car called the doctor and speed of to the penthouse....

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