Fifty two

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salvator's POV ;

After skating, we sat down and I got to learn more about her life in depth—how she spent her days when she was lost and alone.

Maybe these two days have brought a bit of change to her routine, and now here she is, giggling, laughing, and indulging in junk food. Perhaps she was never truly happy with J or me. But now, she seems genuinely happy.

After spending some time, we moved to the animal shelter, which she insisted on coming to. She took a rabbit in her hand, feeding and caressing them gently. This shelter houses rescued animals, and her compassion towards them was evident.

"You know, I come here whenever I feel low. This place has a special aura," she shared, her eyes brimming with innocence, hope, and happiness. Watching her happy will become my new addiction.

"They built new houses for animals outside. You can see the horses and other animals," I stated, observing her excitement. She looked at me with excitement, almost tripping over her own feet in happy squeals.

I caught her in my arms, and our eyes locked again. It felt like a special moment, and I could feel her heart rate increasing, her pupils widening. The sweet scent of lavender tingled around us, adding to the arousal of the moment. Her eyes were fixed on my lips, anticipation evident in her gaze.

I know I have an effect on her, but I can't give her what she needs right now. In order to step into my world, she has to prepare herself.

It's almost sunset, and we've come to the hills to watch the evening sky. Standing atop the hill, I feel the breeze gently caressing my skin. This hill holds a special place in my heart because I've never let anyone come this close to me, to see this side of me.

"This spot on the hill is truly special," I remarked, gazing out at the breath-taking view in front of me. The air was cold and calm, with no hint of humidity, only the gentle breeze and serene atmosphere enveloping us.

"Everyone has a spot somewhere they can feel more like themselves. It's beautiful," she softly replied, sharing a moment of understanding and appreciation for the tranquillity surrounding us.

I turned to see her enjoying the view with her eyes closed. The evening sunbeams made her face glow, and she had a gentle smile. I couldn't help but feel addicted to this beautiful thoughts cut when i get a message from Raphael. I ignored it and enjoyed the moment.

"Do you recall when you inquired about my plans for after this?"

"Yes," I replied, waiting for her response.

"If I manage to survive in this world, I'll likely stick close to the forest, perhaps even the Amazon," she chuckled, questioning the seeming absurdity of her statement but also recognizing its validity.

"I have faith that you'll accomplish it." finally she looks at me small smile appears on her face.

''you do?.'' yes she has the capability of doing what she would but i wont tell her until she accomplish it.

"I've certainly seen the potential in you during your time as my secretary. I must say, these past two months have been my clearest yet, thanks to your adept scheduling." her smile widen at my words..

We remained silent, our unspoken communication holding immense power. I yearned to tell her everything, but I couldn't yet. She would have to wait.

As we approached the car, a thunderous roar echoed, and darkness overtook the once-clear sky. Sudden weather changes were common, but today's sunset was particularly stunning. I quickly checked the fastest route to the penthouse, but just then, my phone buzzed with a flood warning notification.

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