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Violate. POV ;

At dinner, Raphael cracked jokes that made everyone laugh. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Chief was there, just smiling. It was the first time I'd seen him really smile. Usually, he just smirked, kind of devilish. But tonight, his smile was genuine. His eyes sparkled, like they held a missing piece of his personality.

I never imagined I could be drawn to him or develop feelings for him. I'm not sure how to define these feelings - it's not exactly love, but it's not just friendship either. I appreciate how he's been honest and kinder to me lately. I don't fully understand why he saved me or said those things, but I feel strangely connected to him. His words resonate with me, like I need them somehow.

I don't even recognize myself anymore. At the party, I felt alive when I stood up for myself. Nobody silenced me or spoke for me. It was like I found my own voice. Strangely, I feel most alive when I'm with him, the most dangerous person in my life. He brings out the best in me, somehow.

Being with J feels like suffocating in my own skin—no opinions, no choices, just a constant threat to my life. I can't speak up for myself, especially in dangerous situations or common arguments. I intentionally make myself invisible in public because I don't want to depend on anyone. Whatever happened between J and me, I'll never forgive her. Yet, a part of me thinks she was the support I needed during those nights when I cried, mornings on an empty stomach, just trying to exhaust myself from the world without anyone or after countless times of tiring myself out.

I know she's not good for me, but she's all I have in this world. A single tear escapes, but I quickly wipe it away. I stand there, gazing at the beautiful sky.

Chief, I feel his eyes on me.Is there anything besides an apology for whatever occurred? "because i cant give him anything which he didn't had and i am broken if this is game of his he can stop now..

''No...''silence and only one word without hesitation i can feel his word and more then happy to hear this word from him,i nod acknowledging the word.

"I can only promise no harm, just an apology. You're free to be yourself, no one's forcing you to do anything," he said, his voice calming and comforting.

"What if I don't want to be alone... I'm scared I might break if I ever cross my boundaries," I said without looking at him, grateful that he didn't press for more.

"Boundaries are never meant to restrict anyone, but you might discover a brighter, more alive version of yourself if you cross them," his words resonated deeply within me.

I looked at him, feeling confused. He smiled warmly at me, and my lips tingled with the memory of his soft lips lingering on mine.

"The caterpillar has two lives. If it believes there's no life beyond the cocoon, it will never know what wings are. It's your time to win your own battle and choose wisely what you need or want," he said, moving beside me. His hand touched mine, and to anyone else, it might have seemed like a gesture of love.

"Remember this as you go through life: Always speak up for yourself. You'll face challenges, but they won't always overshadow your ability to think and reflect."..

is this the man i was scared to death he was the man who killed people for pleasure, is he the man who never been soft with her? 

''so what you want to do this two days?'' he ask looking straight .

i took a deep breath and my lungs filled with fresh air and hope...

''i want to smile laugh and be myself whoever I'm and for me I'm enough.'' he looks at me something sparks in his eyes or i just imagined ?.

''you will'' he promise 

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