Thirty five

11 2 0

Salvator Pov:

She looks ravishing and i just want to bend on the seat and fuck her, just to listen her sweet sounds....

Its just few days that i haven't touched her but it seems like eternity that i haven't had her,
I want to taste her make her moan in my mouth..

That black dress fits her just right for today's event. But I can't help noticing it's a tad loose around her upper area. Still, the dress does a good job of showing off her figure. I can't help but notice every little detail about what she's wearing and what she's doing.

The necklace has a tracker on it, so whenever she moves away from my side, it signals me immediately.

She looks beautiful, but she appears even more admirable without makeup or artificial layers on her skin. She seems nervous, her hands sweating.  what's causing her distress. I know she's afraid of meeting new people, but I want to understand the underlying reason. The fear she's experiencing feels familiar to me, but it's different this time.

I took a sip of my drink and made her to have a few sips too. She believes she has an escape plan, but it's just a trick. I can see it in her eyes, the hope she's clinging to. I'll crush it. She'll be mine, and I'll make sure she feels the same about me. Now that I'm her savior and the one who heals her life.

I'll ensure she becomes addicted to me, with no escape from my golden cage. I'll make sure she experiences everything with me, and this is just the beginning.

My eyes linger on her neck, where she's hidden the fading marks. She needs to understand who she belongs to and why she's my obsession. I'll have her in my life, no matter what it takes.

My fingers trace her sharp neckline, and I feel the urge to bite it. Slowly, I bring my face closer to her neck and start kissing her softly. Her skin is so soft. leaving small marks on her neck, and a small moan escapes her mouth, making me smirk at her reaction. Even if she denies my touch, her body loves it. I'll make her body crave and yearn for my touch, and I'll have the right to do so.

I am the curse in her life, and she will long for this curse upon her life.

With my face near her ear, I said, "You could have informed me that the dress doesn't fit you properly." A shiver ran down her spine as I felt her body heat up under my touch. She sat on my lap, aroused.

Her eyes locked with mine, lips parted. The lipstick she applied couldn't hide her true lip shade, which I found to be better than the one she wore. I prefer her raw, without any filters, just the way she is.

"How do you..." trailed off, my hand tracing the dress adjustments she had made, providing her with the answer without speaking. She lowered her head, understanding my silent response.

"I know every inch of your body, every curve, every mark, and mole... This dress was bought by someone else." Yes, this dress was bought by someone else. Next time, I'll make sure everything will be perfect.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have no choice but to cut the dresser that was sent to doll you," I warned, my tone serious. She glanced at me, fear flickering in her eyes. My fear, my dear. You tremble because of me, and who dares to come near you will die painfully

"It's just a few inches, it can be fixed, and no one will notice the difference," she whispered softly, sending chills down my cock. My hands tightened around her waist at the mere thought of anyone getting close to her.

Her meek reply only fuelled my possessiveness over her.

"Sweetheart If anyone dares to come near you, they'll be left wondering whether they've encountered the true devil in the afterlife or the one who led them there."

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